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Goodyear, Arizona
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I'm still in Arizona, missing being at home. After so much travel in my Boring career, it has lost it's excitement to be in some hotel far from home. I don't even like traveling by airplane! I'm in the wrong business!

On the other hand, I am in daily weather of about 65 degrees, clear skies and on Sunday, I got a day off and went with a friend to see the Grand Canyon, my first time! What a sight! From the observation area I was at, I expected to be able to see the Colorado river at the bottom. The reality is that if you know where to look and squint and peer and use your imagination a little, you are able to see about a quarter-inch of dark, which is the only view of the river, unless you have a lot of time and energy and travel down by mule or foot.

I also was able to visit Arcosanti on the way to the South Rim, as well as some Pueblo Indian ruins on the way back. Really amazing!

I think I will be leaving for home (probably) Friday, (having missed my birthday at home, oh well...).

Yes, I miss Washington, although I can't say I really miss the cold and snow this time of year. I now have a new appreciation for "Snowbirds". (Maybe it's just my age showing...)

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