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Choices: A Disgust-ion
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We All Make Choices

Ethical codes and moral principles, right and wrong.

Apparently, Evangelical Christians, as typified by our "elected" leader, (ROFL, or cry) believe that the End (defeating Evil, as defined by "unpatriotic during times of War") Justifies the Means (Institutional Torture, Lying, Forfeiture of Civil Liberties In The Name Of Fear [except all Rights of Corporations], the creation of an Imperial Presidency with Institutionally Ineffectual Oversight seasoned with Class Warfare [poor politician$]).

I choose not to be an Evangelical Christian.

Our Republican Vice President's vulgarism (June 24, 2004, on the Senate Floor, in his capacity as President of the Senate, to a Senator!) belongs to History, so let History judge him for the usage.

But I believe this MUST then allow this short declarative sentence ("Go **** YOURSELF") to be displayed in public places; perhaps spoken by Howard Stern and others over public airwaves (always quoting the source, of course, known in some circles as the First Dick); shown on a placard in a public march; flown as a flag, used as a motto; garage band; blog name; domain name...

(I wonder if the phrase is copyrighted yet?)

If I were to spell out the real utterance here on this blog, (giving full credit) as a quote from our "elected" leader, would it be a breach and my account goes away? Or merely that certain filters out there won't ever allow my site to be seen again, or does the Big Net filtering all this stuff for the NSA look into whoever's raising some ugly issues again? (gulp! you better quit reading this now and unsubscribe to this site! I'll deny I know you while they waterboard me until I give them your most intimate details!)

I choose not to be a Republican. (I definitely choose not to be Karl Rove, Presidential Medal of Honor candidate.)

I choose not to torture.

I choose to tell the truth about our leaders, until they decide to do the same. (Oh, I'm safe in that promise, no doubt!)

Where did I hear or read the slogan: "Invest in America! Buy a Congressman today!"

I believe Corporations and Religious Organizations should not have ANY say in Our, and I mean: "We The People" Policies and Politics. If you want a Constitutional Right to Speak, become a US Citizen! An Individual! Not a group of Investors, writing laws beneficial to themselves, or Believers getting tax breaks while buying the Best Government Money Can Buy.

I am tired of the hypocrisy of our "leadership" and I'm not going to vote for any incumbent again. Throw the old bums out. Vote the new bums in!

I choose to stop grumbling now.

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