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A few years ago, I happened to view a fight on TV, one of those "extreme" fighting events where there are few, if any rules, and the two fighters are encased in a wire cage of no escape.

One of the fighters was sitting on the other's back and throwing bare fist after bare fist at the other's head for longer than I wanted to watch, but I did watch a few more minutes.

You could tell the poor soul on the bottom was hurt and would probably have given anything to stop the fight, but he was exhausted. Even the one on top looked like he was tired of the fight, but he kept on pounding.

At a certain point, the victor, (the one on top), paused and began kneading the victim's (the one on the bottom) shoulders, as if they were lovers or brothers. He seemed to be saying, "there, there, I'm not going to go on, I know you're hurt and that's enough!".

Then, with a big breath, the victor seemingly found the strength to go on pummeling the victim's head. I have to believe serious, permanent injury was the result.

This image has resurfaced in my head off and on through the years that followed. I wished I had never seen such a spectacle, lodged in my memory.

Then the other day, as I was watching Israel pound on Lebanon on the TV news, the fight scene described above was seemingly superimposed over the war scenes.

I realized that the US, having supplied Israel with $2-$4 Billion in military aid every year for decades is indirectly responsible for the carnage (I think the term may be "proximate cause") and directly responsible for encouraging Israel to continue instead of using our influence to stop the fighting and bloodshed...

I see how the US then arranges for $30 Million for "humanitarian assistance" to Lebanon. Do you see the resemblance to the fight scene now?

I, as one US citizen, ask that the victims of such brutality understand that the Bush government does not speak for all it's citizens.

Please understand that some of us believe that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeldt and others have committed "Crimes against Humanity" and that one day, they will answer for their crimes in a court of law, perhaps in the Haige?

Stop the wars, Mr. (Bloody-Hands) Bush! Tell the truth for once, Mr. (Greedy-) Cheney! Torture yourself, Mr. (Extraordinary-Rendition-)Rumsfeldt!

But they won't, until we throw them out of office. If the voters give control of Congress back to the Dems, will we then see Impeachment Trials for Bush and Cheney? Or do have to wait until 2008? Lord knows THIS Congress won't do any oversight.

Do you think Hitler-lite and his henchmen should stop to knead the shoulders of their victims? Do you think it matters if the US government sends money to the Pallestinians, to the Lebanese, or other victims when all they are going to do is continue pounding the head and boxing the ears of the down and out?

Enough carnage! Enough of religious fanatacism! Enough!

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