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May Your Life Be Filled With Light!
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Well, of a sort...

Oh, I'm not talking about Divine Illumination, to be sure, that will have to be Found. (Is it missing, or is all around?)

No, I'm talking about Christmas Lights...

"'Tis the Season", and my dear wife found outdoor lights that desperately needed to go on two trees just outside the front porch...

And a lighted wreath for the door...

And the twinkling minilights on the tree...

What Power!

Not to mention that persistent light bulb going off in my head! (Those ideas keep coming and some cast an eerie glow, believe me!)

I'm surrounded by lights, the neighbor's lights, the daytime drone, the nighttime neon, flash, splash!

Lights, camera... hey, can I get some action around here?

Allow your New Year, and every day, to Light Your Way...

Merry Holidays (Of Every Flavor)!

(I love being married to a Pagan; that way she worships she ground I walk on...!)

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