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2008-01-19 1:30 PM An Independent Letter To Lou Dobbs Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (2) Lou, you share emails all the time on your great show, from folks all around America, who are fortunate enough to live in states which allow them to register as an "Independent". I wish I could, here in Washington State, where I have been a registered voter in every election for over 30 years, always as a Democrat! The state rules have changed, such that in order to vote in Washington State's Presidential Primary, in February, I must "sign a party oath".
I have some email exchanges on this subject, (received from the Elections Division), shown below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Thank you for contacting the Secretary of State Elections Division concerning party registration. You do not have to register with any party to vote in the State of Washington. However, during the Presidential Primary you will have to sign a party oath if you’d like to participate in the election. This is the only election in which you will be required to do this. This is also the only election in which the party that you vote for will be noted. Also, your information will be sent to whichever party you choose. "From this process, I feel excluded, because I do not wish to "sign a party oath", (whatever the wording, I don't believe there's a lobbyist's worth of difference between the Demopublicans and Republicrats. So I want to be able to vote for my choice in both a Primary and in the General Election next November. Even though they are using Public Monies (part of MY taxes) to have the election in February, I will not be voting, since I will not swear this oath. I don't think this is fair. Independents voices need to heard! Isn't this similar to "Taxation (spending Public Monies for the benefit of two major parties which have no right in the Constitution for this preferential treatment), without representation! I feel disenfranchised! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You can vote in the Primary however you will have to sign a party oath for either the Democrat or Republican Party. Also as I said below, the parties will have your contact information provided on your registration."In essence, apparently, in order to vote, we not only have to pledge an oath to a party we don't believe in, but then we open ourselves up to be on a phone and address list for that party. This is Democracy? She goes on: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A state primary election usually determines which candidates for the major parties will win a spot on the General Election ballot. The Democrat and Republican parties chose one candidate to represent their entire party for the General Election. An Independent Candidate is a candidate for partisan office who does not affiliate with any political party. If an Independent candidate wishes to have his/her name placed on the ballot for the General Election he/she would simply need to hold a nominating convention. If the candidate can gather 1,000 signatures of registered voters he/she will then be placed on the ballot for the General Election. The process is a bit more detailed than that, which is why I included the Filing for Elective Office URL in my last message."So my only opportunity to vote will next November, but Public Funds are being given to benefit these two political parties, which are so deeply entrenched in graft, corruption and cronyism, that justice, fairness, legitimacy and competency are merely promised, yet never, ever, delivered. The government employee went on to suggest: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I understand your frustrations and sympathize with your position however, you were correct in saying that currently our system is structured around the law. If you feel that you aren’t being properly represented with the laws that are in place I would encourage you to contact your legislator."I HAVE sent letters, and get FORM letters in response. The system is broken and the only ones who can currently fix it are benefiting from it being broken, so there is no motivation toward reformation. At this point, I will not be suckered into voting for the "lesser evil", ever again! In the General Election in November, you may rest assured that I, for one, will vote ANY national party or Independent that is NOT Republicrat or Demopublican! If a third Party doesn't have a chance this election cycle, then when? It is time that We, The People take this country back from the lobbyists, the corporations and the vastly rich and powerful. Whether I can REGISTER, or vote, as an Independent in Washington State or not bothers me greatly, but it doesn't stop me from CONSIDERING myself an Independent! Thanks for shaking up the government and waking up the public, Mr. Dobbs! Keep up the great work! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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