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2008-03-19 11:23 AM I Hope It Doesn't Happen This Way, But... Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (0) What I see is that the Demopublicans are in the process of giving away their best opportunity in many election cycles. They want to fight each other rather than win the Presidency.
Yet perhaps it wouldn't matter anyway. I think that bushcheney has it arranged with Diebold to make certain that their guy (McCain) wins in Novemeber. Oh, it may even have to be decided by the Supreme Court, as there is already precedence for allowing the Court to overrule a majority of The People in a Presidential Election, now isn't there? I think that McCain met with bushcheney and agreed to certain stipulations before he was 'annointed' the successor, giving bushcheney an effective third term. Looking closely at McCain's current positions, (such as his flip-flopping on bushcheney's 'Tax-The-Poor-And-Give-To-The-Corporations' issue), I think that he made a pact with the Devil to gain his status as Republican Nominee. I am blogging this now so that when November comes and neither Obama nor Billory wins, then I can point to this blog and say that I saw it coming. I wish and hope that it will not come to pass in this way, but this scenario keeps running through my head. Consider that our government has had 7 years to 'fix' the electoral process. To me, it doesn't make sense that every state makes their own rules for a National election. I say allow the states to do it their own way for their own state elections, but for Presidential elections, we need standardized rules, and secure voting machines. We need to do away with the Electoral College. We need to do away with a 2-party system. We should allow anyone to run in the first of two Primary elections. The top candidates (pick a reasonable number) would then be in a second Primary which would allow a further winnowing. The top two Dems, the top two Reps and the top two Independents would then be extensively grilled in several debates before the final Presidential Election. Further, we should insist that the Parties have a platform in place BEFORE the first Primary. Individual candidates would then either agree to support all planks or make it very clear which planks they do not and would not support, along with their reasons why. This would eliminate the dissembling and obfuscation rampant among the candidates. Where do they stand on an issue? Refer to the Party Platform! Ah, dream on. The politicians will never fix this system. It's not to their benefit to do so. (As demonstrated by the last two coups in 2000 and 2004.) Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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