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List Of Demands (Of, For and By The People)
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I have been thinking that I would make a list of all the things that I have not liked about most of the elected Presidents during my lifetime. I thought that if a candidate would sign on to a list of demands from The People, that they would be seen as The Chosen. Or at least they would get my vote...

The list would be huge. It would include an open and transparently incorruptible administration. It would reaffirm Our commitment to The Geneva Conventions and recognizing that the current administration may have committed War Crimes, is willing to extradite those past "leaders" who thought themselves above The Law.

This courageous candidate would support a "Truth Commission", such as South Africa had, in which most people will be given immunity from past crimes if they are willing to admit to them, but if they try to hide their actions, they will be prosecuted.

The list would include supporting legislation to make sure that no President EVER has the power to authorize torture on behalf of The American People!

The candidate will ask the thugs and culprits found guilty to apologize to The American People and donate 100% of their wealth, time and energy to helping our poorest.

My compendium of promises would include completely opening up every file and all information about "UFO" activity and investigations, period. Everything. If there is nothing there, there is nothing to hide. No redactions. No hiding of budgets. The People pay for Area 51, we have a right to know what you are hiding.

All the current candidates say they are for improving the image of America abroad. What will they do to restore faith in democracy at home?

When laws are proposed in Congress, let us commit to posting the Bill in it's entirety, on the internet, for a period of at least a week before it can be voted on. All representatives who vote on the Bill would also have to read the entire Bill, giving comments about what they like and don't like about the Bill, and why they will vote the way they vote. If they don't have a reason, or have not read the Bill, they don't get to vote.

I also would like to have each candidate demand that action be taken on making standard rules for every far reach of the Electorate. State positions can be won or lost on state's rules, but for a Federal Election, We The People demand to know that each Citizen gets one vote, that no non-Citizen can vote, and that every vote is counted accurately and securely. Until there is faith in the procedures, there is no faith in the outcome. Tell me again where the outcome of a Federal Election by Supreme Court is mandated in Our Constitution?

Each position filled in government must be filled by someone who is qualified for the job. No cronyism will be tolerated.

The candidate who would sign my pledge would have to work toward outlawing all lobbying by any corporation. Individuals may talk with their representatives only on condition they are not representing the financial interests of any corporation or foreign government's financial interests. Only one Lobbyist will be allowed, and they will enjoy the freedom of investigation into any activity of government. They will Lobby For The People. The Middle Class in America is the economic engine of the world, yet it is shrinking due to corruption and greed.

The document I envision would contain many more Human Rights and Citizen Rights planks, I'm sure I can think of a dozen more and if you've read this far, you probably wondered why I didn't include ones that you thought of.

Please let me know what you would add to this "List of Demands" from We, The People...

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