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2013-10-01 8:23 AM Dobe Solves America's Problems With Logic! Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (2) Given:
1.) Congress has it's own Health Care Plan (HCP). 2.) Congress can "fix" anything wrong with their own HCP, (at any time, since they make the laws). 3.) Congress doesn't complain about it's own HCP. 4.) Congress wants it's own Constituents healthy so they will re-elect them. Therefore: Congress has a perfect HCP! Since a perfect HCP exists, and it's affordable to our Representatives, why wouldn't we all just sign up for this perfect HCP? Oh, yeah, except that they "work" for this benefit. Oh, yeah, that's right, they shut down the business that pays for their benefits. Oh, right, a third grader would be able to compromise better, (and have the benefit of being much cuter!). Logic says that we should throw out the bums that can't compromise and get on with paying the bills for the stuff they themselves purchased. I say let's elect third-graders, who would undoubtedly do a better job. (Couldn't do any worse.) Let's hand off the future a decade or two early, what do you say? I bet there would be less squabbling, less noise and racket... I bet even third graders could see that when only one out of a hundred of them got ALL the allowance from ALL the rest of the 99 families, that the whole thing breaks down. But the one kid who gets all the allowance would hire lawyers and PR people to try to explain to the other children why they should get ALL the allowance. (Oh, and please leave your bikes and backpacks in Billy's driveway, so Billy can take anything he wants.) "How many bikes can Billy ride at a time", the other children asked themselves, but Billy controlled their parents welfare, so they were told that if they knew what was good for their family, they'd just shut up about it and let Billy have everything. That would be the patriotic thing to do. Don't let the terrorists win, Folks, give everything to Billy now! See? Pure logic! You're welcome! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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