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Original Usage Of A Phrase?
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I enlist your help. I used a phrase the other day that came out of nowhere, and which I've been thinking a lot about ever since. The phrase is "Excuse me all to Hell!".

Now, mostly, the times I have heard this phrase uttered were during some part of an argument, and used as sarcasm. I believe I heard it in my youth, from my parents using it while bickering... I have distinct memories of George saying (shouting?) this.

The thing is, when I used it, it came out of nowhere, in fact later I asked the person who I have lived with for the longest, who would know my most recent behavior, and she did not ever remember me using the phrase before.

Yet, I have asked multiple people over the last few days if they had heard the phrase before, thinking perhaps it was just my family that used it. Everyone seems to have heard people use the phrase.

So I did an internet search for derivation of the phrase: "Excuse me all to Hell!", which typically led me sites like: Slang definitions & phrases for excuse+me+all+to+hell, and then they ask for source citation.( I am working my way through the remaining 144,000 results, but if you happen to be able to find a source before the rest of my life is used up looking for it, I would be very interested... )

(Note: not to be confused with, Well, Excuse Me!, which is somewhat similar.)

Thank you!

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