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To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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9:30 AM Sitting here at work, listening to my album of LIVE that I haven't listeded to in forever (finally have a working cdrom and speakers here at work, woo hoo!) monitoring the urgent support voice mail, gathering spreadsheets from the sales teams to have a nice little summary done by the time i get out of here for my FIRST WEEKEND OFF! Yes, it is going to be my first weekend sans faire, and I am hoping to catch up on rest, hang out, have fun, and maybe even torture Misty's Austrailian boyfriend who flew in yesterday.

Okay, I must admit, this aussie guy seem pretty cool. Of course, I only spoke with him for a few miniutes when he wasn't hugging on my sister. I plan on showing him around Los Angeles, and will prolly wind up scareing him. He's a gamer, so I dig him. He brought all of Misty's handpainted Warhammer figurines back. She left them at the gaming store in Sydney. Hehe, After so many years of pickin on me for being a gamer geek, she's now dating one.

But enough about her.

So it appears that Kenny has a travel log going for his East coast trip. SHould make for interesting reading if he has an interesting time. Having only been on the East coast for 5 days in DisneyWorld, it will be neat hearing about it.

Well so far it appears that my weekend is planning itself out well. Stacy's birthday party is Saturday. There's a Garou game Sunday, which I'm really starting to enjoy with my Russian Siverfang Kinfolk. I also hope to do some clothes shopping so I don't keep running around with holes in my jeans. Also, tomorrow I plan on chopping off a good amount of my hair and doing something different with it. It's gotten to the point where it always looks the same, and I'm bored with it now.

Later that day...

I absolutely LOVE supersticious people.

I'm evil.

I work in a fairly tall building and am constantly surrounded by people who act like worker drones. You know what I'm talking about. People in the corporate worls and business world will do everything possible to avoid interraction. No one looks you in the eye when you pass them down the hallway. There is no such concept of a meaningful or even casually friendly conversation in an elevator unless both parties are extremely bored.

Well, sometimes after watching how the masses conduct themselves, I get it in my little head that it's all waiting for me to screw with it somehow. Call it boredom or frustration, I just feel like shaking things up.

This is where the evil comes in...

I decided to walk over to Burger King for lunch today. There's not a whole lot in the general area that is walking distance, and I didn't feel like taking any more cash out of the bank at the moment, so I walked on over. On my way out, in the elevator going down, I noticed the same thing that there always is, a big group of people, trying desperately not to touch or breathe on anyone else in the elevator, all staring at the door as if when it opens they will all leap out and take right off. I studied the situation, noticed the buttons on the elevator, and got a brilliant idea.. I'll FORCE the conversation out of them.

On my way back, there was again a fairly large group of people, so apon walking in not everyone could get to the buttons to press their number. This nice guy (victim #1) decided to take charge and ask for your floor and press teh button for everyone. He asked me, so I said nice and loud "13." He looks for 13 without thinking, but of course there was a problem, there is no 13th floor, not in any hirize that I've ever been to. He looks to me with a very puzzled look on his face, and I look at him like "What? Is there a problem? What's the holdup?" As if a spell was broken which allowed people to notice and interract with each other, everyone in the elevator start looking around at each other, at the nice guy at the panel, and me. I laughed and hit my button, exchanged a little bit of dialog about superstition, and came back to my desk for a nice afternoon.


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