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New Year, and a rundown of vacation
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somewhat accomplished

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Greetings and Salivations!

So I'm back to work, after two weeks off. Noticed that I hadn't updated my journal in a long time. No year end recap, no New Years resolutions posted. I don't check email as much when I'm not at work, so I know I have some catching up to do on a lot of friend's journals. But here's what I've been up to, some highlights from my vacation.

First off, the definition of vacation needs to be modified for anyone who is in a management position. Managers do not get real vacations, only psudo vacations. I had something from work needing my attention several times a week during my two weeks off. I had emails that needed immediate attention, and even had to attend a meeting via cell phone. Mental note: next vacation, tell people I'm going out of the country, to a remote location where my cell phone will not function and I have no access to email, or better yet, hiking in the wilderness. Although those above me in the company have indeed expressed appreciation of my availibility during vacation, so I at least scored some points.

Low points:
Erik got laid off day after Christmas (also his Birthday) after working both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Hopefully his next job goes better and is more stable. This one was driving him nuts anyways.
Although visiting my mom on Christmas was OK so to speak, it was also depressing. She freaked out on Misty for giving my grandfather her phone number, because she wants nothing to do with him, or anyone else from her family. This hurts him so much though, and Misty just couldn't say no to an 89 year old man who was in tears because we got a hold of her again. Mom hung up on him, and now is going to change her number. She's really not well. Danny, my cool bro, advised me to limit seeing her, because she's going to do nothing but stress me out. He did a lot to help her, spent so much time and money on her to help her, and she refuses to speak to him to. At least she's not homeless anymore, but is still far from doing well.
Major issues came up while I was on vacation in regards to how the office is running, how my group and Tier 2 are behaving and responding, and what needs to be done for us to have any hope of job security. Long and short of it is, this group needs to shape up, and I've got a lot to address in regards to getting them to shape up. Major customer issues came up while I was gone that simply should not have.

High Notes:
I think I got a workout schedule down, but getting back to work is really what will put it back to the test. I also think I'm finally going to do well with eating healthier and getting into shape. No weight loss goals for New Years resolutions, (no real resolutions made this year really) but am determined to just take better care of myself. Bellydancing is coming along well, although I am still as graceful as a cabbage for many of the moves.
Visited Rachael (known her all my life but been kinda out of touch since highschool) and her husband (who I've known since highschool) and they're doing really well. They are who I was putting together my first web store for. It's really nice to see friends from when I was growing up do so well. They live in a beautiful place in San Diego, have cats, birds, and a beach 20 minutes away.
Visited Danny. He's doing well. His business was going through some problems, people screwing up finances, etc, so he is currently in the process of dissolving and rebuilding his business. He practically had a nervous breakdown not too long ago, but is doing much much better. He's got a great wife and two totally rad kids (wow, that was so valley girl right there) that I adore. My 3 year old nephew is really talking up a storm, and just the other day told me I have a "nice rack" and that he's the "mack daddy" and that he's "pimpin".
Helped Misy move in with Danny. I hope it works well for her, she's trying really hard, and will hopefully be teaching soon. :) Spent a bit of time with her over vacation, it was fun.
Saw Chicago twice already. It was REALLY COOL, and everyone should see it. I'm probably biased, because I knew the music beforehand, have the soundtrack to the '96 Broadway show with Joel Grey and Bebe Neuwirth, and have even attempted "All That Jazz" in kareoke. You won't be dissapointed.
Almost done with Oil Portrait Attempt #2. Still perfecting it, it has some ways to go. At least you can tell that it is of Tori Amos now.
Been working on bringing back the game we've been running, it's keeps getting more complicated, but will hopefully be well worth the work. I'm teaching myself Javascript as I go, using principles that I learned about programing from long ago, and lessons and hints from some new Javascript books that I bought. (Open to suggestions on learning Javascript) We are hoping to re-open the game as soon as next weekend, but there's still a lot of finishing up to do for the story and the site.

Well, Happy New Year everyone. :) I'll catch up on reading up on your journals later today during my lunch break.

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