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The monument of granite sent a beam into my eye
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Weekend in a nutshell...

Went to Tim's birthday party on Friday night. There was much socializing, much food and bbq-ing, much swimming, and much drinking involved. TMBG was playing and after some time, I had to express my interest in obtaining a copy if whatever album was playing, as it was a great mix. Turned out to be one of two volumes of some greatest hits and was brought by Kyle. Well, the he very next day at the game he had a burned copy all ready for me. Go Kyle!

The game went rather well, much better than I had expected. It went rather long, till about 2 AM, but it never once really broke down into rules arguing like it did last time, and any issues people had since last time seemed to have cooled off since4 then. Bob and Lynn came to the game, it was their first shot at werewolf, and they seemed to have a good time, they stayed till the game ended at 2, and I was very impressed at that. They were at the b-day party the previous night too. It's always good catching up with people who aren't around as often as they used to be.

After several commercials over the past few days, we couldn't contain ourselves any further and had to trek out to an Applebee's for some all you can eat honey bbq riblets. The closest Applebee's are in Monrovia and West Covina, so we found the closest movie theaters to them and headed out. The riblets were really good, and I tried to be careful not to eat too much, after all, it was all you can eat, not all you *should* eat. We picked up a newspaper out there, as Erik was interested in seeing what type of stuff showed up in the news out there, in comparison to LA newspapers. Amusingly enough, the rescue and adoption of 4 chihuahuas made the front page.

We wound up seeing LXG. It was amusing. Erik was dozing a little during the movie but it held my interest for a while. Now I understand why it got the criticism that it did. Someone really needs to give me a budget so I can put together a coherent, film. If I got 110 million for a film, I'd be set! I wonder what they'll throw down on LXG2 (yes, there's hints for a second one)

As I have skipped out on karaoke for two weeks in a row, I think I'll go this time around. I'm going to have to warm up before trying anything complicated, as my voice has been through quite a but with the cough that I've had, it is out of pratice I'm sure. With Marshall being on his way to buring man, I'm not sure how many people I'll be seeing there.

I feel really bad, I promised my sis I'd check her email and let her know if there was anything important before she left for Ren Faire. I didn't get around to checking it until yesterday, and there was all sorts of stuff that was important that she should have gotten before she left such as the script to her show and the info about Amethyst (used to run the Ren Faire guild that Misty now runs), who's in the hospital. I was shocked to hear the news, and really hope she makes it through this. (they found out she has lupus a couple of weeks ago, and has blood clots throughout her body and a "shadow" on her heart, she's not even allowed to move very much) I might make a trip up to Oakland to see her, but won't be able to do that until next weekend at the very soonest.

I hate it when people I care about get sick, I've known Am for years, she ran the guild when I worked out there. She's a wonderful person.

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