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Wheat Seeds Left in my Pocket Will Spontaneously Transform into Baby Mice
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So after completely ressurecting my office desktop this morning, it's 99% full and 99% fragmented drive making funny noises, spyware riddled directories, deleting old email, old files, and old spreadsheets that I haven't looked at for over a year, I went through trouble tickets that were opened and not worked on by the supposed weekend people who work for the company. I have come to the conclusion that my group does a heck of a lot of work on Monday mornings within the first two hours that we are open in comparison to the work that is done from 4 PM Fridays to 7 AM Mondays. I know that the weekend people at the other locations have other responsibilities, but there's practically an entire group of customers being ignored half the time...

Okay, enough bitching about work, I bitch about work way too often, and seeing as how I hadn't made much in the way of substantial updates last week, I'm sure that the last thing that everyone wants to hear from me is more of the same work wonkiness that I've been on about for over a year now.

Highlights of my past week: Played Exalted TT twice, went to a party, had a great time at karaoke, having some pretty problematic sleep issues and am waking up tired again more often than not, watched a guy drive down my street while inspecting his handgun as I spoke to my sister on the phone from my balcony (she now begs me to move), caught a few movies on DVD, saw Once Apon a Time in Mexico which was OK, caught "Canned Hamlet" by Sound & Fury which was really great (they're my Ren Fair buddies and are always fabulous) and "The Bad Taste Show" which was a sketch comedy show with verious moments of great but crude humor, bought some stuff and BBQ'd for the boys, and we all played some cool card games (Chrononauts and FLUXX!!!)and CLUE till like 2:30 AM this morning, as I wasn't really tired but knew I should prolly get at least 4 hours of sleep.


I'm hoping to accomplish some significant stuff this week. Significant stuff includes but is not limited to: Getting spots out of carpet, finish laundry of everything, organize computer room and bookshelves, finish the two books I am reading, finish my websites, figure out a workout schedule that actually works for me for more than one week.

I will get some of the above listed done. Oh yes.

I've got a lot going on in my head right now, but cannot seem to get it all into a comprehensive structure for a journal entry and barely into a to do list. Not too scatterbrained to get stuff done, but scatterbrained enough to be easily distracted.

And to go full circle, I'm currently wrestling with corporate HR in regards to questions about proposed amendments to my current employment contract, what they mean, what they involve, and what will happen if I do/do not sign the amendment. I've posed many questions on behalf of myself and my employees, and am waiting... waiting...

May or may not go to karaoke tonight, it really depends on who is going to be there and if my sleep dep will catch up with me. I really hate the fact that I had to wear makeup today to hide the circles under my eyes. If anyone knows of a good remedy for that for people who hate wearing base makeup or concealer, please please please let me know.


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