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To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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Double-O-Buffy and the Temple of Doom
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Reading: Venture Adventure (Entreprenural Book) Equal Rites (Terry Pratchett
Writing: writing up grant proposals for the theatre
Exercise: Did 25 minutes cardio and some Pilates yesterday. Go me!
Recent Good/Bad Choices Good Choice: TV Shows
To Do List:
1. punch grant research and organize in binder
2. organize papers that have piled up at the office
3. finish Firefly and return back to Lisa

So the past week has been pretty busy here at work, so I haven't done much as far as a real update to this journal for a while.

Hell, I haven't even written about the birthday weekend. I'm really behind.

Didn't really have anything planned much for my birthday except for having Misty come down to LA to hang out. Well, there was a vague plan of going to Six Flags on Sunday, went to someone else's birthday party Saturday, but that party extended to about 5 AM Sunday so early morning trek to Six Flags on Sunday didn't wind up happening. Sunday we (Me, Misty, Erik, Marshall) walked around Third Street for a while, had a nice meal at P.F. Chang's (mmmmmmmm) and debated whether we wanted to see a movie or walk around till it was time to go home at watch the Golden Globes. We wound up doing just that, walking around then going home to watch the Golden Globes and have a couple of drinks (though Marshall and Misty has WAY more than a couple of drinks). I probably should have invited more people to add to the fun and make it a pseudo birthday party, but Sundays are just difficult for parties. I think I am going to insist that my birthday falls on a Friday or Saturday night every year from now on.

I am however considering a make-up birthday party, possibly even a joint party for the other people who recently had birthdays sans parties.

Work has been busy this week. On top of normal activities, we have been putting together a very detailed audit of our entire customer base. Brett has been doing a genius job in coordinating this. As close and as finalized as we keep hearing this sale is, it is still apparently not close enough to even let us know the name of the company buying us.

Been dealing with HR complications as well, as half of the titles they had for us were still wrong, and they even had one of my people showing as being in sales, getting comissions, and therefore not eligible for a bonus. They almost have everything fixed, and will hopefully have everything fixed by the time things are finalized with the sale. Bastards.

Started watching, and loving the hell out of, two great shows. Firefly when I never caught when it was on the air, has been a great show. It's created by Joss Whedon, and I just kinda borrowed it because we're out of Buffy and Angel seasons to watch. It's funny, it's interesting, and it has a great group of characters.

The next show Alias has really grabbed me, but it did after the first episode. At first, I thought it was just going to be a double agent mission-of-the-week show, but it has had an ongoing storyline that has kinda grabbed me. It's done really we,, and is kind of a "Double-O-Buffy and the Temple of Doom" feel (yep, part 007, part Buggy, and part Indianna Jones). If you haven't caught this how, I suggest renting at least the first season and seeing if you like it. I'ts really got me hooked I think.

Other than that, have been just keeping up with stuff. Karaoke was fun, got some driving practice in, planning on getting more in soon enough, and will be taking my test (again) in a couple of weeks most likely.

Got a few things to work on while here at work. Take care all. :)

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