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Contemplating Fondue and Diet Soda
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So it's going to be a busy week, I can feel it. I'm hoping that it is both busy and productive because, well, that would be cool. I'm hoping to hear from my boss any time now. Hopefully, now that we were bought, something, anything actually happens. That's fairly wishful thinking though. I've also got to contact my "friend" this week about an "opportunity" of sorts. I promise you all I will explain more in detail if something actually comes of it. :)

At any rate, Erik may be going out to Texas this week to pick up a spare car from his parents and drive it back to LA. Quite a trek but hey, it's for a car. Misty just told me that my car needed some work done, some hoses and whatnot, so that will be about a hundred bucks more, but she's taking it out of what I will be giving her for it in about 3 to 6 months.

I have come to the conclusion that car insurance is such a racket. I don't know who I'm going to choose for insurance, but definitely not the company Erik uses. They're really trying to screw him over, and being really lame. If he were hurt at all, I hope this would be going WAY different.

Yesterday's Werewolf game was a little slow for me, didn't start picking up (as far as possible things for my character to get involved in) until it was way late and I wanted to go home. Most of the time it is really fun, but sometimes it is a little frustrating. I'm not sure whether it is me, the other players, or how the game is run, but sometimes I feel more like I'm a bit player in someone else's epic story than my own character within a chronicle.

Hopefully things get exciting before the world ends.

Still not sure whether I plan on gaming after things end this year. I honestly hope that I'm too busy to be LARPing by then.

I'd rather be real life productive than imaginarily productive at this point. I do have a lot of fun at the games, and like running my own games, but sometimes I really crave stuff that gaming isn't providing me. *shrug* We'll see.

In other news, I drank a lot of diet soda yesterday. Now, you may ask, "Why? Why Thea? Diet soda is just so terrible!" and to that I respond, "Sure, but regular soda was hurting my teeth..." Yes folks, again, I am having screwy dental issues. On V-Day, I discovered that my filling, that I JUST GOT TWO MONTHS AGO fell out at some point. I discovered it with cold Listerine. Mmmmmm, lovely.


So, going to the dentist is on my list of things to do for the week.

And boy do I feel like I've had to talk about my teeth way too much on this journal.


Okay well, I'm off to getting some stuff done, two hours and I'm outta here. I'll prolly post something later today. I've got some interesting thoughts forming in my head, but they haven't blossomed up enough to be put in an entry yet.


Edit: Oooh, I forgot to talk about the fondue part. Jenn mentioned making chocolate fondue, and I am anxiously waiting for more info on one of the two key ingredients for her/Kenny's version of it. Mmmm... Chocolate. :)

Reading: Discworld and Finance books, still juggling the two
Writing: *sigh* eventually, I will pick up my novel again
Exercise: Yeah, that... The plan was to start again this morning but... yeah...
Recent Good/Bad Choices Stayed up too late playing Werewolf, am tired now, reconsidering karaoke tonight in favor of sleep.
To Do List:
1. Get good and cheap web hosting for my novel and other things I want to put up (I know what you're thinking... Thea? Don't you work for a hosting company?)
2. Work on a design to ressurect my game site and other such nonsense
3. Take behind the wheel test again, pass it, get driver's licence.

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