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Monday Mornings of the Spotless Mind
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The things that I neglect when I get busy. Reading. Updating my journal. Art (which I have been neglecting for way too long). All sorts of stuff. Between the recent chaos that has been work, gaming and running games (of which I am way behind in quite a few things), and trying to fit in a few other goals, I've been bouncing all around. I've gotten some time for just down time, and some time to just hang with friends and chill, but I still feel like there's been a lot of my time that isn't really mine these days.

Okay, enough bitchin, interesting updates of the past week, and my thoughts on the subjcts.

Weekend in review: Great moving on Friday (Endless Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a total must see!) Went to a good party Friday night that went until about 4 the next morning (at least, that's when we left) Ran a good game on Saturday (went later than planned, and covered more plot than planned, but all in all players seemed to have fun, which made me happy), went to a good game on Sunday (didn't drag late at all, was eventful all the way through, and aside from accidentally flushing my character sheet down the toilet and having to step out of some stuff while scrawling out another a generally fun time was had), so all in all, gamer stuff for the most part, goober stuff for the rest, good weekend for Thea.

Wow, Monday morning turned into Monday afternoon really quick today, and I've been writing to this little bits at a time.

I have been thinking a lot about "Eternal Sunshine..." and have been wanting to write about it, but it's really something that I think you should see before I try to explain it. I'll probably go into it further later, after a few more readers have a chance to see it, and I'll tell you why I personally liked it so much. For now, I'll just be a tease. :)

There seems to be an epidemic at the office. I have named this ailment conjointacellphoneitis. Symptoms are such that you are so obsessively connected to your cell phone and afraid of missing a call so badly that you'll answer your cell phone wherever you are, even when you are in the bathroom, even if you are in the middle of peeing or washing your hands. I have observed this ailment several times, but twice already today. At least one girl excused herself from the conversation and hung up so that the person on the other end didn't hear a flush in the background, but COME ON PEOPLE! Potty time is private time! Noone should expect that their call will be answered if the person on the other end is in the bathroom.

Alrighty, I've killed that rant. Off to more stuff. :)

I get to meet my boss on Thursday. Woo!

He's flying out from Dallas to talk to us about the future of us...

The future of us is most likely retention stuff while we are being sold and transferring to whatever company wins us in the bid, then after that any job stability would depend on that company, not my current one. Although currently speculation, looks like I'll have the option of being fairly secure jobwise for about 3 months, unless I solidify a relationship with new company X, if they are looking to hire. My company finally officially announced that we they are selling us off, so it's probably less than a month before we are officially "sold" and yeah, I know, I've been saying this type of stuff for two years now.

Almost done here.

Gonna go do dinner with some friends tonight. Erik's got class to teach, rehearsals to hold for the show he is directing, and then wants to fit some writing in, so will not be doin karaoke tonight. Still deciding on what to do post-dinner. Outta work here in about half an hour. Yay!

And there's my update, in all its glory... And there was much rejoicing... *yay*

Reading: Otherland, Book 3, Tad Williams (although I have not had as much time to read this as I have wanted, at least I now have it in paperback so it is portable, it's a big book)
Writing: Wrote out plot kit for my game, but need to add to it. Going to take another stab at my NaNo, and am soon to have a website back up and running with the NaNo on it. :)
Exercise: Up and down the steps of GFS about a hundred times while running Cam/Anarch game Saturday (mental note: though they make me look like a bad ass and taller, heeled boots are not the ideal footwear when running a game). Ran around at Werewolf yesterday. Hoping to get in some sort of cardio today.
To Do List:
1. Taxes (finished Misty's, but have been lazy finishing my own)
2. Get boxes out of livingroom and into storage
3. SWRE plane ticket

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