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Pavlov's Ducks, a Tale of Two Lunches
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So wow, yeah, it's been hella busy since my last update.

Work has been going well, a bit of a backlog of things to work on, mostly because the person who was training me who I was working with got fired. So I got her responsibilities on top of my own within a month of starting. A little bit of a learning curve as fa as who takes care of what, but for the most part, I think I've got it down.

My boss has tasked me with screening resumes and conducting phone interviews before passing good and qualified applicants for the open position to him. Sure, it is a little extra work, and it's been a while since I've interviewed anyone, but I'm digging having the responsibility. HR makes the first cut and screens through a lot of resumes before I get to them, so that it doesn't waste too much of my time. It's pretty cool.

Today my boss is out at a conference. Things are running fairly smoothly, and I finally wanted to get a chance to post something. I'm sitting here, just finished eating leftovers from the catered meeting, even though I've already had lunch, because it's there and fairly good.

Of course, now I'm pondering the fact that I've been gaining weight again, and dread the fact that I'm getting up close to 200 again. I guess that is what happens when there's food around and when I haven't had a real workout schedule for months now.

My overall well being is better than it was before, but there's the poundage that I'm not quite as fond of.

Every morning, when I walk by the duck pond, the ducks run from the pond to the edge of the grass and start going at the ground with their beaks. I have never fed these ducks in the morning but it would appear that someone does so, and that they automatically see me and hope that I am that someone. I wonder if they do that with everyone. When I walk the other way in the afternoon they don't do it. When I wander around during lunch they don't do it either. They're just conditioned to come running for food in the mornings to anyone going that direction on that path.

And this afternoon I observed as I went into the kitcken as soon as there was food there, along with others. I know that not all of them have had lunch but a few of us already did. We still got some of what was there, or at least surveyed the spread and picked. It was automatic because hey, free food... just like the ducks...


In other news, life's been pretty cool. SOme rough edges, but overall have accomplished a good deal of de-cluttering. I have also gotten some non-fiction reading done that I was trying to get to. One was a book on memory called How to Remember Not to Forget by Joan Who? and Adam Rosensomething which was a quick read and kinda simple. The other was a book called Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, and I found it extremely useful, and also a quick read. I am in the middle of reading a book about directing, and am pondering which piece of fiction to pick up next. There are so many to choose from and so many that I have been wanting to read.


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