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Food, Movies, and RENT
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So I brought my lunch yesterday, and I brought it again today. Both can be considered pretty healthy, and include things like hummus and raw broccoli and home made cranberry sauce (a little high in sugar but fresh cranberries are healthy).

I had chocolate cake at work, and ice cream at home though, without even thinking about it.

I was fairly productive over the weekend, and got a lot of exercise in both days. Saturday I walked to the store and back, and walked all over Melrose with friends. Sunday I started the morning with a couple of episodes of Stargate SG-1, and realizing that I had been sitting around all morning, decided to dust off my mini-stepper (and BOY was it dusty, bad sign of non-use) and used the mini stepper for an episode and a half. I need to use that thing more often.

So, so far, the dare is going OK. I have a few more days this year, and can hopefully even count Thanksgiving weekend as successful days for my dare this month. :)

The past week has been cool for movies. Good Night and Good Luck was very interesting, Harry Potter rocked. We rented Reefer Madness the Movie Musical which was awesome (I saw it performed live and was impressed. They re-cast some of the roles to more well known stars, who weren't as good as the originals, but it is a really fun little movie), Robots, which was cooler than I had expected, and House of Wax. Wow... What a fantastic film, clever dialog, Paris Hilton's expressive characterization, great acting... Okay, I can't hold a straight face while writing this. It was typical slasher, some of it was clever, some of it was REALLY graphicly violent, but it has bad acting and typical "we got off of the highway and are being stupid nosey teenagers" stuff going on.

I swear, if any of the people in slasher films were RPG gamers, things would be going very different and we'd see more survivors... Ya know, I may just have to write that concept up...

So, tonight... Midnight... RENT at the Dome. I am so excited. It's going to be awesome! I've had the music for it in my head since I woke up this morning, which is awesome, because for over a week my head has been switching back and forth between songs from Reefer Madness and Day Dream Believer.

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