Tinkerbell's On Her Knees Shhhh....don't tell! 71746 Curiosities served |
Alright, I have gotten some shit for being back since sunday and not posting about my Vegas trip. Well, after the trip I needed some time to recooperate... On the way to the airport, I get a call from Heiko. He and his brother had already flown into Vegas from Jersey..."Yo, Carrie, you almost here and shit or what???" He told me that it was going to be a wild trip, and that I could still turn back since I hadn't gotten on the plane yet... maybe I should have listened =P So I get there Wed. afternoon, and Heiko and his brother pick me up from the airport. During the ride from the airport to hotel, they inform me that they were successful in getting their BLENDER through airport security and all the way to Vegas.... a fucking blender???? who brings a blender cross country???? good lord... So, basically the second we get back to the room, Heiko gets the blender going ("blend it bitch!"). I must admit, the boy can make a mean drink (parrot bay, malibu, pineapple juice, fresh bananas and ice....YUM). After a few drinks, the boys head off to the gym. Yes, the gym. The Las Vegas Athletic club to be exact - they bought a week membership. Who the hell goes on vacation to vegas to go to the fricking gym???????? Heiko and his brother Jeff are the only two people I can think of. That night we went to some hole in the wall place called T-Birds, which was pretty good... from the outside it was all dark. You could tell that before it was a restaurant, it was definitely a strip club. The next morning, we were blending drinks by 9am. Pretty damn cool, and yes, we were alcoholics for the week. Then it was off to a great diner for some breakfast... and then, the boys went, yes, you guessed it, BACK to the gym!!! That night was great. We met with some spanish chick whose pants Heiko get into, her boyfriend (ouch), and her roommate. The only one that spoke english was the roommate. I have never felt so lost in my entire life, but after awhile the 3 years of spanish that I took in high school came back to me and I could actually understand most of what they all were saying, since I was the only one at the table that didn't speak spanish fluently, and they constantly forgot that fact. Just when all that spanish wasn't enough, we went to a spanish club, which was absolutely awesome. I danced my ass off, surprising Heiko and Jeff. But then came the Tequila. I don't want to get into the gory details, but let's just say that Tequila is NOT meant to be snorted out of your nose. Your brain will melt, your nose will burn off and you will be blowing tequila out of your nose for hours. 4am or so we finally stumbled in from the club. I was dead tired and got ready for bed. I guess Heiko and Jeff weren't, because as I got into bed, they headed back out. I got to sleep around five - a little before 8, they were back and blending drinks!!!!!!!! BASTARDS. Talking about the prostutes they interviewed and got on film and blending drinks while I was trying to sleep... fricking assholes... Then they go down to the pool and proceed to fall asleep in the sun for hours and get sunburned - serves 'em right. We all sleep for the rest of the day, and then go out to dinner at a really good mexican place and walk around the venitian for a little bit. Then, BEFORE MIDNIGHT, they are both passed out tired (and SNORING!!!). These boys don't know how to pace themselves. So I go down to the casino and proceed to lose some money, and then i lost some more. The next day consists of the boys going to the gym once again (are you seeing a pattern here... sick). Then we grab some lunch and go to the new vegas outlets, which are neat, and we all find some stuff.. HOWEVER, it is 103 degrees and we are at an OUTSIDE outlet mall!!!! are we sensing a problem here??? i wanted to melt. That night we hit a really yummy argentinian restaurant for lots and lots of steak and chicken and other yummy foodage. We hit the Hard Rock, where we check out the Pink Taco (what a name... think about it, PINK TACO... good lord). I lose more money and then we go home. \ I go to sleep because I have to get up at the ass crack to make my plane the next morning; the boys go out and are coming in just as I am waking up. I get a half hearted goodbye from the warn out partiers, and take the shuttle to the airport, and made my way home. All and all a good trip except for a few things I learned from spending a few days with the jersey twins: 1. DO NOT LET JERSEY BOYS DRIVE. We got lost (literally) everywhere we went and nobody would trust me with the map or directions 2. JERSEY BOYS PARTY HARDER THAN A LITTLE CALI GIRL 3. JERSEY BOYS GO THE GYM IN VEGAS 4. JERSEY BOYS DON'T STAY ON THE STRIP. we stayed at the golden nugget, downtown. forever away from the strip - couldn't walk around by myself for fear of getting molested by random bums. 5. JERSEY BOYS DON'T GO TO NORMAL VEGAS RESTAURANTS. they go to random places 45 minutes from civilization, get lost getting there and get lost getting back to the hotel all in all, it was an experience. not what i am used to when i go to vegas, and i don't know if i could ever do it like that again, but you gotta try everything once right? ;) so much testosterone in one small space was a little much, but i love my boys; they were great...i'm just surprised none of us threw any of the others out of the window at some point during the trip. i can't type anymore, i am going to die... good night all Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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