Tinkerbell's On Her Knees Shhhh....don't tell! 71750 Curiosities served |
2003-10-13 10:30 PM I'm baaaaaaack Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (3) Ok, so it has once again been an extremely long time since I have updated this damn thing. Oh well, you'll live =P
Anyway, nothing much exciting has been going on lately, hence the lack of journal entries. I have been living life and that's about it. All in all pretty happy - broke as hell, but happy. I have been surrounded by wonderful people lately and I love it. I am content. Except, I will admit, I miss my Kevin. I know he doesn't read this, so it will really do no good to write it in here, but I do. So that being said, let's move on... I heard from someone the other day that I hadn't talked to in almost 2 years and who I didn't realized I had really kind of missed until he called. A guy from Albany Law, my friend Mitch, called me from out of the blue the other day. A really nice surprise. He was a guy that was in the group that I hung out with/studied with first year, and it turns out that he is finishing up law school (he did his JD/MBA) out here at loyola. A Cali boy has returned home... YAY. We're supposedc to hang out, but I haven't heard back from him... pretty cool though. Other than that I have just been dealing with house shit. I am back living with my father (TEMPORARILY) and not only are we re-doing the whole fricking kitchen, but we are also getting new furniture and new appliances (since the ones we had are older than I am - literally). But on top of all of this...MY HOUSE IS POSSESSED. The plumbing has exploded on my car about 4 times in the last week and a half or so. My car has never had so many car washes in such a short time. The concrete, boulders and creek in the outside partof the complex I live in will have to be torn up to fix it... lovely. Short showers and scarce water use indefinitely. Other than that, my life is pretty boring. Just hangin' basically. I need a job. Let's hope JAG or the LA Superior court comes through. I know this entry may be a little boring, but so are the days of my life.... Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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