I'm a web developer for NOVICA. I'm fascinated by languages, even though I only speak English and a little Spanish. I can count in Korean and have numerous language and linguistics books. I'm living within walking distance of CSUN where I share an apartment with my girlfriend and 2 cats. I'm happy. I write sporadically (I really need to finish that short story), with every intention of making a living at it at an undisclosed point in the future. I taught physics at Emperor's College Winter Term 2008. I love games and stories and music and computers and science and "and." I drink my coffee 100% black 80% of the time and 80% black 20% of the time. Also, there are other things. 7332 42
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Interview with Kenny

Got this from Kenny who got this from Ariel (thanks, Kenny!!).

The Rules

  1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
  2. I will respond by asking you five questions, I get to pick the questions
  3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions
  4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post
  5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

1) What is your favorite memory about your brother Carl?

Carl liked to cook. The time he made scones sticks in my mind. I remember that he chose a recipie that was rather complicated, but mom worked with him, and the result was so memorable that to this day eating a scone in a coffee shop is one of my favorite ways to relax and reflect on life.

2) What is the best thing you learned from Master Lee?

That's a zinger. The reason I don't still train with Master Lee is that the 'best things' I learned from him don't really jive with the person that I want to be. The best example is that I learned how to view EVERYTHING as a battle that MUST be won. This fueled my training and allowed me to actually interact well with him for most of the time I trained under him, but like I said, that's not how I want to view the world.

3) I don't know that I've ever heard you dislike a movie... so enlighten me. Tell me about a movie that really chapped your ass.

Battlefield Earth. Words can not express how painful it was to see such a great story turned into a hideous blob of moving images with no redeeming qualities. In fact it was so bad that it single handedly fuels that ability I seem to have of never fully disliking any other movie.

4) What is your favorite place in Los Angeles? Is it a certain time of day?

Zuma Beach, early Sunday Mornings, late spring.

5) What's the biggest difference between growing up on the East Coast and living on the West Coast?

I grew up in small rural towns in virginia, so being in a city is the biggest difference resulting from my coast change. I can walk to the beach. That's the other big one.

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