I'm a web developer for NOVICA. I'm fascinated by languages, even though I only speak English and a little Spanish. I can count in Korean and have numerous language and linguistics books. I'm living within walking distance of CSUN where I share an apartment with my girlfriend and 2 cats. I'm happy. I write sporadically (I really need to finish that short story), with every intention of making a living at it at an undisclosed point in the future. I taught physics at Emperor's College Winter Term 2008. I love games and stories and music and computers and science and "and." I drink my coffee 100% black 80% of the time and 80% black 20% of the time. Also, there are other things. 7332 42
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I know yesterday was father's day, but this entry is about my mother. I was commenting to Kenny yesterday about my lack of communication with my parents. I love them dearly, and love talking to them, but I spend my free time lost in my own thoughts and tend to forget about EVERYTHING in the world around me.

And then this morning I check my mail, and there's a letter from my Mom. I absolutely LOVE when she sends me newspaper clippings with a hand written note in the corner. It's a glorious example of how to communicate, and a reminder for me to do so, and my mom NEVER fails to find stuff that truely fascinate me. At times I feel like she's reading my mind. The article I just read that really got me thinking was one about how insanely attacthed to their parents many college students are now that e-mail and cellphones are ubiquitous. Google "Jo-Ann Armao" and "Don't Phone Home" don't know if you'll find the article, but couldn't hurt to try.

This is how I put it, describing it to Kenny, moments ago: "and the best part, is how she entices me to communicate more. by setting a glorious example, with hints and compliments. Totally low pressure. Totally loving. I'm blow away by her coolness sometimes."

and then I wrote this entry.

I love you mom.

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