Mindless Blather ...now edited for content |
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2005-02-11 7:59 AM Friday, Friday Ash is coming to Cleveland on the twelfth of April. You wouldn’t know it if you peeked over my cube and saw me hunched over my keyboard, clenching my cup of coffee for dear life, wiping eye gunk away, but I’m ecstatic. Really. Thrilled.
Might be another gun to the head situation, actually. Why doesn’t anyone listen to cool music anymore? Also, the “snake” (think the Apprentice) struck the office yesterday afternoon. Beetlejuice is no longer with us. Everyone here is sort of freaked out, keeping their heads down, not making eye contact, doing their work for once. Funny how that happens after a coworker gets the boot. I have been getting an alarmingly large amount of sleep lately, resulting in both fascinating and terrifying dreams. It seems that I’m either making out with someone completely inappropriate (my doctor? a stranger at the bookstore?) or I’m getting attacked on the street with various objects (tire irons, mostly). I’ve also broken free of the reading rut. I took a break from A Very Long Engagement for the moment as I was distracted by “Hairstyles of the Damned” by Joe Meno (excellent, really, think “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” in 1990 with lots of punk music references…LOVED it), and am now almost through with “The Giant’s House” by Elizabeth McCracken which is just…*breaking* my heart. Went out to dinner last night with Jess and Jess and the baby…tried to keep my cool about the whole house situation, which is getting more and more difficult as time goes by. I think a few people I know have a little pool together to see just when I’m going to blow. Other than that, the week has been dull. This weekend? Work today. Work tonight. Work tomorrow night. Try to do something productive on Sunday. Let’s hope this doesn’t disintegrate into work today, work tonight, go out after work tonight with work people, weasel out of work on Saturday night to continue my bender, stay out all night, sleep all day on Sunday, return to work on Monday broke, hung over, and trying not to drool on my keyboard when I inevitably doze off. Wish me luck. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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