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2005-02-21 11:33 AM A Very Uneventful Weekend Had a relatively uneventful weekend (well, that’s uneventful in my world…I suppose others might feel differently).
Work on Friday night was not too memorable. We were steady, I was a server assistant again (thank god, no people to deal with), made decent cash, and went home early. Saturday morning I was awake at a freakishly early hour and headed to the grocery store for some goodies, straightened up the house a bit, cooked some fabulous food, watched some Angel, took a nap (basically the perfect Saturday). Later that night I prepared to go out wish Jess’s gang, put on what I now believe is my lucky sweater (as in, if I needed to get lucky, I’d wear this sweater…every time I wear it, well, stuff just happens), and met them all at Dina’s. Ended up spending the night with that Very (note the capital “V”) Ghetto Crowd, ended up getting thrown out of our first drinking establishment simply for being associated with said ghetto folks who apparently got in a huge brawl in the parking lot (I’ve never even met these people, I didn’t even know what the heck happened, and yet I found myself ushered outside as if I were Very Ghetto as well). I was not a happy camper. Managed to get myself lost on the way to the next drinking establishment due to the fact that I was on what would eventually become a Very Interesting Phone Call that put me in a Very Good Mood. Made it to the next place in one piece, drank a few more and acted very silly indeed, made it home only to spend my night in Very Poor Health. I woke up on Sunday morning at a freakishly early hour again, tore open the hangover kit that someone had shoved in my purse (cute little gift bag with bottled water, Tylenol, minty gum, and a little snack), and spent much of the day in bed because I was so sick. It’s funny how your body reacts so differently to substances from time to time. I don’t feel that I drank all that much, but I was extremely sick all day yesterday. So I watched the rest of the fifth season of Angel, saddened that the era if finally over. Managed to take the dogs out in the snow and cook a bit. Quick note on the food, I feel like I’ve been eating like royalty this past week. This whole vegan thing is a far cry from my usual routine of Lean Cuisines, fast food, and toast. Now I eat things like smoked tofu with wild rice, spicy Thai noodles, breaded eggplant with tomato sauce, pasta with homemade pomodoro, baby green salad with almonds and sunflower seeds, roasted garlic hummos with toasted pitas, fresh fruit salads, soy smoothies...I could go on and on. Yummy. This week promises to be another quiet one. I have darts tonight, and intend to spend the rest of the week not spending any money (with the exception of the My Chemical Romance CD…I’ve been hooked by a song I heard on the radio…must…own…it). Friday night I’ll be celebrating my mother’s birthday with the family, Saturday night is Goldfinger at the HOB, and Sunday I will try not to spend in bed nursing another hangover. Of course, after my Saturday phone call (the one that put me in a Very Good Mood), another phone call may change the course of my entire week. I’ll try not to look forward to it too much! *returns to work, grinning foolishly* Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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