Mindless Blather
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It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, which is surprising really because there’s at least a dozen things I’ve wanted to write about but I’ve been too distracted, or, as my friend L called me this morning, twitterpated. Yeah, she’s probably right. I can’t help it, really. I don’t really know where to begin. All I know is that I’ve had some great evenings of late. I’ve walked by the lake when the stars were out. I’m reading his gift, an amazing book. I’m taking breaks from editing to smell the flowers on my desk. I can’t concentrate on a damn thing. This is just…wow.

I’m so very distracted of late that I’ve had more than the usual displays of clumsiness. Friday night at work I accidentally dropped a container of citrus mustard sauce on a woman’s head. Remember You Can’t Do That On Television? Yeah…she looked like she’d been slimed. And it was her birthday. Right.

Then there was Saturday night when I had to break into my house in a blizzard because I’d locked myself out. I piled a bunch of miscellaneous things (an overturned bucket, a milk crate, etc.) one on top of the other to reach my window. It was no surprise, really, that as I was prying the window open my not so carefully constructed tower of things that weren’t sturdy toppled over, resulting in my falling oh so gracefully into some very prickly bushes. I got in, eventually. I’m covered with bruises.

Here’s to hoping the next few days are just as distracting. Tomorrow I’m still trying to get my shift covered as it’s my sisters’ 30th birthday. Damn twins. I wanted to buy them diamonds, and if there were only one to buy for I’d be fine…but two? I’m going to have a hell of a time shopping for a gift tonight.

Tuesday, the boy’s birthday, I’ll be taking him to Ash. I never would have asked him to go. Seems sort of selfish, really, to say, “hey, on your birthday I’m going to take over your night and make you go to see a band that I love and you’ve never heard of! Doesn’t that sound great? Happy Birthday!” However, he already knew about it and told me he’d love to go. So, really, I am giving him an amazing gift. I mean, he’ll discover Ash! And, seriously, if he doesn’t like them than we have bigger problems than the fact that I commandeered his birthday, because what kind of person would not like Ash, right?

Then, two days later, my father’s birthday, then a bridal shower (need to get that dress altered, by the way…WAY too big), another concert…yeah. I can actually see it now. This is going to be one hell of a summer.

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