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2005-04-18 11:21 AM Cat That Got The Soy Milk... Ahhhhhh…weekends without work. Who knew?
I skipped out of work to meet A in my hood for some deviance. Unused to a Friday afternoon free from toil, we decided to make the most of our deviant behavior and head out for drinks at an unreasonably early hour. After “rallying the troops” we had our friends meet us in Lakewood to start the fun. Had the pleasure of introducing my dear friend L to A, and after she rather brutally grilled him, I think she approves. Course, then it got a bit embarrassing. The conversation between them took a turn (darn girlfriends) for the worse when she began talking about my unfortunate taste in men over the years, among other things, and I think I blushed for an hour. Ah well. Ended up at the Winnie as usual. I’m very unused to prolonged carousing these days, and I was propping myself up after eleven…exhausted. Best part of the night had to be when A asked me to “go steady.” Awww... After a debilitatingly minimal amount of sleep that night, A took me home in the morning to get my wedding shower preparations on. The shower went off without a hitch. Strange to see some of the people who I haven’t mixed with since high school (this is the first of my high school friends to bite the bullet). I feel that I have a small preview of what my tenth high school reunion would be like should I decide to participate in the charade. Though, I must admit, I’m sort of liking my answers to the usual questions and liking where I’m headed (haven’t felt like that in…well, maybe never). Like: “What kind of work are you doing?” “Oh, I’m an editor at a legal publishing company right now. I’ll be quitting in August to go to law school.” Or, “So…are you seeing anyone.” *wicked grin* “Yeah…” *blush* Damn it. I’m ridiculously cheerful. Someone kick me. I slept the evening away, I was just too exhausted from the night before. It worked out perfectly though, as Sunday morning was beautiful and I wanted to be up early to play outside. After dragging my dogs on a two-mile walk through the park, I got the bike ready and headed on my first ride of the season. Suffering CATS am I out of shape. I’d initially planned on taking it “easy” with a nice leisurely ten-mile ride to ease myself into it. Yeah. Let’s just say I wished I knew more languages for the voices in my head to swear in because it just wasn’t happening. Six miles was all I could muster, and my bum is a whole new kind of sore today. Ouch. After the usual Sunday errand-running and mom-visiting, I met A for some dart-y goodness and dinner and other fun. On this beautiful Monday morning I am all stretchy, content, and looking forward to about every day of the week. Life is good. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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