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2005-07-08 10:46 AM Wow. You're Old. Work last night was a bit less annoying than usual (probably since I came home with money in my pocket). Had a great talk with A before climbing in bed, too tired to do anything but remove my skuzzy work clothes and give the beagles a pat before falling asleep. I’m too tired to go in again tonight, so I’m hoping for a good night tomorrow.
Had a funny conversation with one of my coworkers, a very sweet girl who asked me if I was planning on going to the Warped Tour this year. I’m not exactly sure why she asked me, we’ve never hung out before and I was curious as to why she asked me if I was going to that specific concert. She told me that I “looked like I listened to punk music,” which made me chuckle. So of course, me being me, I went into one of my diatribes about the many reasons that I will not be going to the tour this year (or, likely, ever in the future). She commiserated with me about my reasons for not wanting to go, and spoke about her own reservations for going (this is the best part). Apparently, she too did not enjoy punk shows of late because of the Mom-and-kid-fest that shows like “New Found Glory” had turned into. Apparently, she used to listen to them “back in the day” when they were her favorite band (What, three years ago? And don’t even get me started on the band itself…). She made me feel old. Older, if you can believe it, than I felt when I went to see Goldfinger this past winter. I resisted the urge to crack a joke or be sarcastic. After all, it was sweet of her to ask. Course, that’s not why I didn’t mock her. I had a similar experience last weekend when I was out to dinner with A, talking about Everclear and how I saw them live “years ago” (those were my words) before the rapid decline of the band. The man next to me snorted and asked what I meant by “years ago.” When I answered that I saw the band perform over ten years ago, he scoffed and said, “What, are you twenty-TWO?” in the most condescending fashion imaginable. I tried not to be insulted (he loved A and I by the time we left), but I’m sure I made him feel the same way. Old. So, yeah. New Found Glory. Whatever. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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