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2005-09-27 8:17 PM Frosted Contracts I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate Contracts. Hate it. So much. Yep. I hate it. I’ve been reading for this class for four hours and I’ve got about another two to go. Even the dogs are miserable when I’m reading for my Contracts class…
At this point, it’s all about the distractions. Do you know that tortilla chips taste pretty good when you put a little vanilla frosting on them? Well, I do. Thanks, Contracts. I am, thankfully, able to step out of the pool of oozing Contracts hatred long enough to appreciate a call from my sweetie who’s stuck in Arizona for work. I’ve had about enough of him going away, thanks very much, when he informs me that he will have to go back there for another week, starting on the tenth. Of course I have tickets to Social Distortion on the thirteenth, which I suppose shouldn’t be all that surprising since it seems that every time I buy tickets to a concert something untoward happens that either prevents me or whoever is supposed to attend with me from going. Then I end up very angry and hostile. So there I was railing about my poor concert luck on the phone to my poor guy who really would rather not have to go out of town yet again, eating tortilla chips with vanilla frosting, glaring maliciously at my Contracts book while simultaneously ignoring the two beagles giving me not-so-subtle hints that they are about to pee whether I want to walk them or not, when the fact that I had to get off the phone before I was ready to was slightly eased when I discovered a previously forgotten about chunk of chocolate in the pantry. Chocolate, you may imagine, also tastes pretty good when you put some vanilla frosting on it. When my phone rang again, I reluctantly set the frosting down (on my Contracts book), and brightened when I realized that *someone* was calling me back from Arizona. That Someone called to ask if I would like to go to see Social Distortion on the fourteenth (the second show at the HOB), when he will be back in town for the event. So, not only do I still get to go with my guy, I get to see my other guy (Mike Ness, we’re soul mates, really) two nights in a row! Yeah, I’m keeping him. In other news, besides loathing Contracts, things are progressing. I’m not sure how they’re progressing yet, but they’re progressing. Someone warned me that law school would teach me humility, and I’m just hoping that lesson won’t begin when I get my first paper back in legal writing this week. Oh! And thanks to back to back colds, I'm now practically a nonsmoker. I can't even look at the things anymore. Now...what did I do with that frosting... Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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