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2008-04-09 9:28 AM Running Away Soooooooo….. After what may be the most romantic conversation I’ve ever had with My Sweet over Google Chat last night… < aside >Ok. Perhaps Google Chat does not seem all *that* romantic to some. But when your works-all-the-time-these-days IT guy gets a page in the middle of dinner and you are in class…or at work…or in the library…or drooling over food blogs when you are doing one of the above…Google Chat may be the only way for you to *have* the romantic conversation in person.< /aside > we decided to cancel the wedding.
Yep, that’s right. We decided to cancel the wedding. See, I already knew that I was all about running away. Then, when Aud looked me up on Google Chat (thanks again, Google Chat!) to tell me where/how we could get a wedding license in Hawaii, how much it cost, and how long we didn’t have to wait, along with prices for a 12-day trip including hotel and car, and how we already had all that money in the bank… Well, I swooned (as much as a girl who was sitting in her Land Use Policy class and doing her best to look like she’s paying attention can swoon…but ‘twas a swoon nonetheless). Then, when he told me how he just wanted to be with me, and that all of the other crap was just “pageantry” and “flash” and it should just be the two of us, I teared up and cut the hell out of Land Use Policy class and headed home. The romance, however, pretty much ended when our Google Chat did. By the time I got home, Aud was in the middle of some new work crisis, and Zeus was pretty adamant about going out for a pee. After walking the dogs and coming home to realize that Aud was still tied up, I called my family to discuss our non-wedding. By the time I finished and went back to check on the Audster, I realized he was on the phone with *his* family discussing our non-wedding. By the time there was a lull in the phone calls and the work crises, we discussed the results of our familial conversations. And that’s when we knew. We have to go through with the wedding. And so, on that note, I here pledge to document this lovely experience, not just for posterity, but as a reminder that, when my children get married, I should not be upset if they decide to run away and elope. Besides, I’m already very disappointed with myself for not writing much about my graduate school experiences, now that things are winding down. That said, I intend to cover such topics as, “Why I refuse to lift my dress up in front of every one in my family and all my friends while Aud fishes around up there for a stupid piece of fabric,” “How weddings make me feel So Very Establishment,” “Why I’d rather eat glass than have my father walk me down the aisle,” and “Holy Shit! WHO buys that crap?!” Stay tuned. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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