Mindless Blather
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"Really?" Thats' how you wants it?

I know that it is inappropriate to argue with your boss when he’s telling you how to do something, especially when you’re just a student, but at this point, I might bite my tongue off from trying to restrain myself about the following:

1. He asked me to go back through a brief that I prepared for him and put *two* spaces between every sentence, instead of one.

2. When editing my work, he’ll change my tenses so that, while the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb is plural, or vice versa.

3. He apparently hasn’t looked at his Bluebook for about twenty years, and feels the need to change my *flawless* cites to something that would get me smacked down by a law professor.

4. He adds apostrophes where no apostrophe belongs.

5. He uses quotation marks for emphasis.

6. He is trying to make me introduce new evidence in a Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings, even though the law clearly states that, when deciding a MJP, the court may look *only* to the allegations in the pleadings to decide the motion.

I now have to make sure to save my versions of each document in a separate folder so that I know it is appropriate to send to employers when looking for jobs, and I save the boss-whacked, busted-up versions of my writing in a separate folder that, for some reason, I’ve named Jive Docs.


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