
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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"Everyone has several mothers, and they don't all die at the same time." - Michael Ventura

We up at o-dark thirty, the up-side of this is breakfast with Lady M! It is so worth it. Both of us are a little fussy. I think we are still decompressing from the house guest. I did not sleep very well. I feel I need to find another pillow and see if that helps.

As dawn became day, the sun came out and the temperatures went up. It is beautiful out. I feel for those who live in Denver, the northern states and the East Coast. I so do not miss snow.

Yes, it is beautiful out and once again, I live in paradise.

We said our goodbyes to Lady M and Lance (dog) and we headed for home. We both feel exhausted and it wasn't long before my eyes began to close whilst I sat in my chair and I was soon asleep.

When I awake I still feel groggy and now my bowels are in an uproar. It is a mad dash to the bathroom and this was to be my afternoon. It felt good just to be in my chair and dose off and on through the afternoon.

When once I wake, I have bull riding to watch on television. After that comes Sunday Night Football. The Eagles beat out the Cowboys. The poor Cowboys just couldn't get it together. The score was 34 to 7.

It was a quiet night and we were glad for it.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "Taltos" - Anne Rice
-- "The Daily Book of Art/356 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 33

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