
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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"My thoughts guide my day. Noticing how I awake can help me save the day." - Kelley Vicksstrom


I wake up to Bailey's pestering. I am receiving little love bites. I also know that he needs to have his claws trimmed because he is kneading on my head and I feel those sharp little claws.

Okay, okay already, I will get up. It is 8:25 a.m.

I get up and take care of the basics.

My one mishap for the morning is that as I am trying to reestablish order to the flowers on the counter, Bailey's full water bowl falls from my hand and onto the floor. The water is everywhere. Needless to say I said a cuss word.

I am so sick of all the GOP campaigning and there are still 10 months to go. It always gets me about people pointing fingers and the three fingers pointing back at them. I'm not voting for either Romney or Gingrich.

I say shame on the news people for spending so much time on those two instead of giving some honest time on Paul and Santorum. What are these guys up to? How do they feel about this mess? Or, are they done for this go round?

Buying the candidacy to run is so much a waste of money, when that money could have been spent on bailing out our government. That money could have been spent feeding or housing the homeless. It could have been spent making sure those who cannot afford medical care received it.

I am sure that whomever is elected for president will spend money on any of these concerns and if they do, it won't be as much as they spent on getting themselves elected.

I am furiously reading Stephen King's "11/22/63." Michael saw the book on the shelves when he was at the library last week. Since it is a "new" book, it is on a one week loan and you cannot check it out again if you don't finish it.

This is why I have not been at my computer writing, I have had my nose in a book. This particular book is over 800+ pages. Prior to "11/22/63" I had just finished "The Pillars of the Earth" and that tome had over 900+ pages. I think I am about ready for some short stories in the weeks to come. That said, I have enjoyed the time reading and the books I have read.

It's surprising this is the last day of the month. Where did the time go? Of course, I can look at my book list and see how many books I have read this month.

I counted up the number of books I read last year and the total came to 56 books. This is pretty good I think and I did learn some new stuff as well as be entertained.

I have gone to 10 Al-Anon meetings this month. Last night I pushed my comfort level and went with another member to a meeting in another town because every fifth Monday they have a pot luck and a speaker.

The pot luck was delicious with a nice variety of food. There was pizza, fried chicken, various pasta salads, ham and cheese sandwiches, fresh garden salads, and lovely desserts. I had only one dessert because I was more interested in the ham and cheese sandwiches. Someone also made a mushroom dishes which was to me, to die for. I don't know what it is about mushrooms but I love them.

This is a big deal to me since I don't drive at night (the friend I went with drove) and I usually don't like to be out after dark. However, I had just a bit of anxiety which was cared for by my medication for just such a time and there were others there I knew from my meetings and I knew the speaker. I had a good time and may do this again.

As always, money is tight but all the bills have been paid for. We have a roof over our head, the utilities are on, and there is food in the pantry. Not bad for the first month of 2012.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "11/22/63" - Stephen King
-- "Living, Loving & Learning" - Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.
-- "The Daily Book of Art/356 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 99

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