
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Can I Do It?
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"I give people time so they feel their lives moving over their skins." - Jenny Holzer

Today is a 6 a.m. day to get food bank stuff done. Michael got our bags ready for me last night and a bag of egg cartons to return. When I got up, I put on my Crocs, picked up the bags and headed out the door.

The sky was clear and the air was cool. Not too many folks out at this time of the morning. Once back home, I meditated and because I didn't have enough time to walk, I decided to take my shower instead. I had just enough time to ready my daily stuff and then it was time to leave for the food bank.

I was surprised how many of the early risers weren't there this morning. For whatever reason they came later in the morning - sleeping in I guess. I like to get there early because I feel I get a better selection of food and two because I'm out the door and back home.

Since my hair was still damp from my shower, I began reading e-mail messages and playing computer games instead of walking. Between e-mail and computer solitaire I can be at the computer all day before I know it. But today I made myself get up to do other things.

One of them was to go for my walk. I really didn't feel like walking. I don't know if it was because of being later in the morning than I usually go or I just didn't feel like walking, but I walked anyway. It was warmer by now and I had to take off my hoodie. I also noticed I was huffing and puffing on the steeper hills. This is not good I think. I slow my pace some and I keep going. Today I saw several lovely flower shots but I do not stop. I did see road crews out patching up the streets. I wonder where that money came from. I wonder this since there are so many other streets with pot holes. I didn't check the street that was a complete puddle from my walk on Sunday. Whatever has dried up between now and then will be replaced when rain appear tomorrow. Now that my walk is done, I am glad I did it. After looking in the mirror I can see I was sand blasted because I have sand all over my face from the couple of gusts that hit me as I was going up one of the hills.

Michael talked me into going to the library (actually he didn't but it makes me feel better) with him. I wasn't going to go in since I am working through my last book. Only, Michael then said:

"Hey, you might as well live dangerously. There are worse things you could be doing."

Yup, he's right. I came out of the library with five books. I've learned in the past that when I see a book I want to read I'd best grab it because it may not be there when I come back. Granted I could put a hold on the book but that costs a dollar. Needless to say, I am a book junkie.

It is nice out today with only a slight breeze. It is enough air flow that Michael tells me not to spray paint my nursery pots today. Although I do need to transplant my little pansies. Maybe later, I feel a nap coming on.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "Kill Alex Cross" - James Patterson
-- "Living, Loving & Learning" - Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.
-- "The Daily Book of Art/356 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 155

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