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Where Is That Alarm Clock?
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"I don't think anything is the opposite of love." - Anne Lamott

I could have sworn that I had my cell phone in my pocket when I came to bed. My cell phone has become my alarm clock. I always place it face down on the book I read at night so the light of the phone does not disturb me.

Well guess what? The phone wasn't in my pocket and I did not learn of this until 8:45 a.m. I thought it there was too much light coming in through the drawn mini-blinds. I had overslept big time. When I went to look for my phone, I found it in my chair.

Usually, I can hear my phone from any room in the house. Not hearing it tells me I must have been very sleepy this morning.

So, I did not go to the food bank this morning. But, while I was sleeping in, Michael tells me there was a light tapping at the door. By the time he opened the door whomever had been there had left. In their place was a plastic grocery bag filled with all kinds of goodies from the food bank. Oh my angels are looking out for me.

With sleeping in my whole day has been out of whack. I have not done any of my usual stuff and this is mildly irritating. Sometimes I wonder if I have OCD.

Since it is pay day, my afternoon has been spent balancing the checkbook and paying bills. For another month, everything has been paid and a few gallons of gas in the truck.

I didn't get around to Flickr today so it will have to be an adventure for tomorrow.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "Alex Cross's Trial" - James Patterson and Richard Dilallo
-- "The Daily Book of Art: 365 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 166

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