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The End of a Week
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I'm glad it is the end of the week. It has not been one of my most fun weeks. Plus today I called my doctor because the daily reading of my blood glucose level has been steadily rising. I called because I wonder if the strips I was using were off or perhaps my reader. I say this about the reader because just after taking my reading this morning with my reader, Michael took my reading with his reader and the glucose level was considerably lower. So what gives?

In talking with my doctor, a ring off and a ring back after she had done some research, she says for me to keep taking the new medication but to come in next week and learn how to give myself insulin.

I'm not sure how I feel about all of this. I mean, I have been taking my medication, I am watching what I eat, and I have been trying to get physical activity in most every day and now this? I just don't understand.

If I don't upload any entries for the next few days, just know that I am processing all this information. I will be back.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "206 Bones" - Kathy Reichs
-- "Beach Road" - James Patterson and Peter de Jonge


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