
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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It Is Thursday!
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Boy, the week is moving fast.

It has been a week of anxiety with regard to my health and my DH's health. We both seem to be going through some stuff.

Since I have begun taking insulin by glucose numbers are going down. This morning the reading was 294 from yesterday's reading of 303. It would seem the insulin is working. My DH finally got a call from the VA regarding his health issues and has told him what he must and must not do; so, all is well on that front.

Yesterday's walk must have tired me out more than I thought because I felt asleep during Law & Order:SVU about mid-way. Darn, now I will have to wait until the reruns to find out the ending. I also slept through the news and Jay Lenno. I woke up around 1:30 a.m. I took my nighttime medications and went to bed.

I have found the last three nights I have been saying my prayer beads. Before I get to the end of the beads, I have fallen asleep. The nice thing about this is I am not going over my to do list nor am I going over my worries.

It is a sunny day, DH has been uptown to grab the mail, stop at the grocery store for some provisions, and watered my plants and garden.

The strange thing is the birds have left. I had put out seed for them but no birds. I don't know if they have left the area or do not like the seed I purchased. I bought the grocery store's store brand that looked exactly like what I was feeding the birds. The bright side is I got twice the amount for the same price as I was paying for a five pound bag. I don't know what to make of this situation.

And back to the post office, we received notice that the rent for the P O box is due the end of the month. The rent has increased by $12. Yowser! Of course, if I make monthly payments into savings for it, it will be $10 a month. This I can handle.

My boys are sleeping as I write and I am feeling the urge of my chair and the book I am currently reading. Later folks. . .

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- Catching up on books I began but didn't finish.


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