
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Oh No, Say It Isn't So
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"The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist, the opportunity in every difficulty." - L.P. Jacks - Amy E. Dean, May 14 - "Night Light: A Book of Nighttime Meditations"

Yes, dear readers, Bailey the cat has fleas. For a little while I had noticed that he seemed to be licking and scratching more than usual. I had checked for fleas but didn't find anything and nothing appeared in his fur in the brush. Every once in awhile I would see something like flea detritus but would deny my thoughts that this is really the sign of a flea infestation.

Wednesday morning I woke up around 4:30 a.m., I was in pain all over my body. I don't know if I had had a paralyzing dream or what, all I knew was I ached and could not find a comfortable position. But, this is another story for later.

I stayed as still and quiet as I could so as not to give Bailey the idea it was time to rise. Bailey had moved to my pillow to wait me out. Between 4:30 and 8:30 a.m. I was very much aware of Bailey's licking and scratching. Hmmm, I'm getting this feeling and it isn't a good one.

After taking care of morning things, I retrieved Bailey's flea comb. I had him in my lap and began combing where he had been scratching. With two swipes, there in the comb was a live flea. A few more strokes, I found large and small fleas.

Egads! ! @##$#$$%$^&&**

I give Bailey a good going over. For now, I can do nothing because I have to wait for pay day.

The miracle of this day, you may query, was Bailey's Aunt M, came to visit. When she heard about his fleas, she went out and purchased him flea medicine to kill the little critter and organic spray stuff to use on his crow's nest and other areas where he naps.

This was yesterday and today I note no excess licking and scratching. We just love wonderful Auntie's who take care of their nephews.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The City and The City" - China Mieville

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