
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Monday is off and Running
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Monday, June 4, 2012

"When the heart weeps for what is lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found." - Sufi Proverb

Normally I like my Mondays like I like my Saturdays and Sundays, nice and quiet. Let me tell you, today is not one of them.

I knew I was going to be making some phone calls for various things and a lunch date with a friend. Little did I know how high my anxiety was going to get.

My first bit of anxiety came with making a call to the credit union. I discovered over the weekend that I was going to have an overdraft when my last check came through. I would be overdrawn by $7. Not a big deal but one that came with a $25 overdraft fee. My solution was to call the credit union and talk with their member services guy, explain the situation and instead of charging me with an overdraft fee which I cannot afford, take the money from my savings and then on payday I would put the money back into my savings.

Draw a big breath; I had to leave a message because the guy wasn't available to talk to. So I waited and waited; stewed and stewed. After two hours, I called back and had to leave another message.

Within a minute I get my call and I explain everything and my solution to solve the problem. The member service guy said that for that small amount and for the short period of time he would work on it for me. Yes, thank you very much.

One fire is out.

On to the next situation, on Saturday that man of mine wasn't feeling well and as the day progressed he became worse. A trip into the ER is in order.

There he learns that his blood glucose level is high and with all that sugar in his system he has developed an UTI. They send us home with prescriptions to be filled.

Because of the above-situation, there is no money in which to have the scripts filled. I walk the prescriptions up to the pharmacy because last time this situation occurred; the pharmacy faxed the scripts to the VA. The VA then faxed their scripts to the pharmacy and my dear one received his medications without a co-pay. The pharmacist seems not to want to help me but I keep pushing and so he said he would fax the scripts over to the VA and would see what happens.

Well, that is all I can do for now. Although my body aches like crazy, I am glad I walked up there and back. It is about a 45 minute walk round trip.

This fire is tended and will have to come back to it later.

I take some down time to get the anxiety at a lower level before I leave for lunch. I am meeting with a dear friend whom I haven't seen for a couple of weeks. We are usually on the phone with each other or texting one another. It was good to have some face time as well as a beef and bean burrito.

One knows how old they are because a good part of our conversation is about our medical issues and how they can guide our lives whether we like it or not.

Back home, I query DH if he has heard from the pharmacy. He replied he did not. I call the pharmacy and nothing has been done nor have they heard from the VA. With that, DH calls the VA and talks to numerous staff to get to the bottom of this issue. He was told they would get back to them and so we are waiting. I feel it would have been simpler if I had driven the hospital's scripts into the VA and then have them give me their scripts.

Oh the hoops we have to jump through to get things done.

As it is, I have done all I can do for today. I am even considering staying home tonight because of how I feel.

That said, I did get a walk in today, watered the plants in the front, and had lunch with a friend. All in all, it is a pretty good day.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The City and The City" - China Mieville

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