
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Aches and Pains
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"Therefore trust to thy heart, and to what the world calls illusions." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I chose to sleep in this morning. Sleeping in is until 8:30 a.m., still not too late in the morning. I feel if I hadn't had to go to the bathroom I might have slept more. Anyway Bailey is glad that I am up.

My aches and pains are from meditating this morning. I don't know why since yesterday was pretty good. I had to keep changing positions to get comfortable and lessen the discomfort.

One thing of note is that I was able to do deep breathing up to the count of 10. A couple of times I had to start over since I lost my place in breathing. Another noteworthy instance was when I had a hot flash. Whew, these are uncomfortable. This is when I really concentrated on my breathing and envisioned being outside where it is cool. Before I knew it, I began to cool down to where I actually felt normal. What exactly is normal?

After meditating I was full of energy and I took it out on the kitchen. Clean dishes were put away; dirty dishes went into the dishwasher and were washed. I washed the hand-wash dishes, wiped down the counters and cleaned the stove top. While doing all of this I was heating up a measuring cup of water in the microwave. When that is done, I can then clean the inside of the microwave. And the last chore was to sweep the kitchen floor. I had all of this done prior to Michael's getting up. At least for a little while my kitchen is neat.

The only "oh no" moment was when I was putting away the clean dishes, I discovered one of my favorite vases, a red, tall heart-shaped, Michael had given me one anniversary, was cracked clear around. I am sorry to see it in the recycle can. Oh well, time for him to find me another favorite vase.

Oh I checked my glucose this morning and it was down to 127. This is getting in the ball park of where the dietician wanted me.

Now I can sit down to the computer. Even though I had shut it down, it is still running slow. This is a pain but I am learning about patience. I said a little prayer that I was willing to let go of my impatience. I would be willing to go at a slower pace. Well, I haven't felt any difference other than while the L-top is thinking about what I want it to do, I get up and do things and when I come back, what I have asked the little thing to do is done and waiting for me.

I think when I am done here, I am going to have to run a cleaner program to hunt for bugs and things because this is the only thing I can think of that would make my baby run so slow.

Later in the day I began what I think is an allergy headache. I took the proper medications. I am coughing also. On top of that my body aches. I hope I am not coming down with something. Since I don't feel well, I am staying home tonight with my DH and my Bailey.

My neighbor, Mrs. T, came over and asked us if we had seen our new neighbor. I said no. Mrs. T advised that J had a doctor's appointment up in Templeton and she hadn't returned yet. I called the daughter in Anaheim who told me that mom was in the North County hospital. I guess I am cat sitting again. Later tonight there is a knock on our door and it is J. The hospital had arranged a ride for her to return home. I returned her key to her and thought that was it. But later, there is another knock at our door. It is J and Mrs. T. J wants to go to the pharmacy to get her scripts and she was going to walk there. I don't think so. She had just gotten out of the ER and now she wants to walk a good distance, for me or Mrs. T it something doable but not for J right now. I grabbed the truck keys and said let's go and I drove her up there. Wouldn't you know it, the pharmacy doesn't have her script yet. Grrr, I not fond of the pharmacy she is using which is why I go to the other one.

Actually, our little burg has four pharmacies. Go figure.

mz. em

Currently reading:

-- "House Magic - The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space" - Ariana
-- "The Crimson Petal and the White" - Michel Faber

"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher

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