
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Sunshine and Lollypops
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"No man is worth your tears, but once you find one that is, he won't make you cry." - Anonymous

I have the sunshine but no lollypops. When I arose at 8:45 a.m. the sun is shining. I open up the windows and there is a nice breeze coming through, though I do smell the fragrance of a skunk.

Bailey is resting in my lap happy for my company. He has been fed, watered, groomed, and treated. Now he is happy to nap.

Since my little L-top has been running slow, I did a search and destroy and any other number of scans to seek out villainous viruses which could be making her act this way. Nothing was found except two registry changes. Ha, I had thought all kinds of things would appear but I guess not. I have restarted the little beast and so far things seem to be working quite well.

Today is the day Michael and I have decided to go through the stack of boxes we brought home from the storage unit to go through. Instead of going through those boxes they have been left to collect dust. Only to be taken out when we are hunting for something we think is in the boxes. Usually, we don't find what we want.

Michael will be working on his boxes and I will be working on the office part of my sanctuary. I hope to unpack several boxes - books - and place them on the book shelves. I also hope to throw away junk. There might even be some things to give as gifts or to place in a yard sale.

Okay, it is now 12:15 p.m. I am taking a break from unpacking boxes. I have found pictures I can decorate my wall with, family photographs, and more books I want to read.

I found a couple of boxes of Michael's stuff which he gets to go through and decide where to put them.

My room is opening up as I move things out. I hope to have this project done by this afternoon. I can only hope.

I can't believe how nice it is outside. I've been out to get the mail and to throw away trash. The skunk smell has gone away too.

Well, my break meant the end of my day. I ran out of steam and was done for the day. I really wanted to finish off this part of my room. I felt out of sorts. Of course, my neighbor's music was making our connecting wall vibrate. I don't want to complain too much since he doesn't do it often. On the other hand he gets to listen to our music when we are in the mood.

Any way, I feel tired, I have a headache, and I feel fussy. I think I am calling it a night.

mz. em

Currently reading:

-- "House Magic - The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space" - Ariana

-- "The Crimson Petal and the White" - Michel Faber


"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher

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