Words-of-Mine No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.279894 Curiosities served |
2012-08-14 10:28 AM I Have Control Again Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Okay Read/Post Comments (4) Tuesday
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Oh curious one, do not worry about what may come. You are here to live, to love and to learn every step of the way. You are constantly learning, discovering and becoming anew every moment. You have the full support of your Creator and when you know this all obstacles will fall away and you will join happily the dance of Life! Each moment is precious, no matter what it may contain, savor its flavor and then let it go!" - Jackson Kiddard ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wow! How did everyone like the Olympics? This time around I have watched more of it than I had planned to but then, I only have two NBC Stations to watch. I can't complain since I don't have to pay for it. However, there is the lead-in hype, the opening celebrations, the different events, and the closing celebrations. All quite interesting I might add. I did watch women and men's beach volleyball. Hey, I live in California what can I say. I watched the women and men's swimming events such as the diving and the synchronized diving of each gender. Plus, I found I like women's water polo. My goodness those women are pretty amazing. Because of the buildup of Michael Phelps, I had to watch his time in the water. I did watch the women's gymnastics. I thought all of them were great athletes. I did not get to see that much of the men's so I don't have an opinion on the men, except to say those guys are strong. Back to the water, the sculling were prettying remarkable. Talk about synchronized, these men and women were it. I was astounded as I watched a scull come from behind and catch up with the front sculls and then pull ahead of them and win. I don't know much about sculling but it will be something I do some research on. I saw highlights of some other events that were not show in my time period and that was my experience of this year's Olympiad. It wasn't until the wee hours of the evening that I had control over my TV to be able to watch some reruns of shows I do like. None of my daytime TV was accessible unless I wanted to pay the satellite company some money to get to some channels that weren't tied up with the Olympics. Hmm, I wonder if that was even possible. I have to say, I liked what I watched and I will be glued to my television when the games come in 2014 in Rio. The one thing I am truly grateful for is there was no violence. No acts of terrorism. No one was killed. To think for two weeks people from many different countries were together and they all got along. Now if the rest of the world would take notice and follow suit, maybe we would be living in a more peaceful world. mz. em P.S. I got to see Grimm last night and I'm not sure what is on tonight but it won't be sports. Oh yeah, there is a football game on Saturday night. Way to go! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Currently reading: -- "House Magic - The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space" - Ariana ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher
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