
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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"Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

I like this quote. I also feel life is what you make it. Having been in the program for so long, I've come to understand how I feel about something or perceive something, is going to determine if I have a good time or a bad time. If I can keep an open mind usually things work out just fine.

This brings me to my title Changes. For the past month, I have slowly stopped doing things. I have been sleeping more. I have not cared as much about my little garden or the birds that come to feed.

It didn't hit me until yesterday, when I realized the convention (for those who have just popped in, the convention is the AA Convention with Al-Anon participation) was this weekend. My stomach was tied up in knots; I believe my cleaning frenzy was a symptom of my anxiety.

I talked to Michael about how I was feeling. The consensus between us was I had done what I could for Al-Anon and I needed to alert the co-chair that I would not be helping at the convention.

I had to sit and think/feel about this for awhile but then I put in the call and had to leave a message for her to call me ASAP.

Let me tell you this is an adventure of the different feelings I was having. Luckily, I had talked with the co-chair about my disabilities so she knew about my situation.

When I didn't get a return call last night, Michael suggested I try again, since tomorrow is Friday. Instead of leaving voice mail, I sent a text to let the co-chair know of my situation and how to get together to hand over all the literature.

It wasn't too long after that, I had a text from her, saying thank you for the heads up and we will get together tomorrow to make the exchange of the literature.

No problems, except me feeling like a flake for not being able to follow through. Although, to stand up for myself, I was upfront with the co-chair about my disabilities, I did organize all the literature, made the list of what we should order, and integrated the new literature. I also made listx of the inventory by book number to show what we have sold and what will need to order for next year.

Well done I'd say.

West Nile Virus

Our little county was good until today when they found a bird with it. One thing about being inside most of the day I don't come into contact with mosquitoes. Of course, with the bird baths, I clean them out most every day and refresh the water.

However, it makes me think for tomorrow I need to go through my stack of pots and gardening stuff to make sure nothing is holding water where I can't see it. The virus sounds like nasty stuff.


Sitting here at my table with dusk coming on, I am becoming distracted by the hummingbirds. They are out in force. They are diving bombing each other for their rights to the feeder. Every now and then one will stand his/her ground and feed. I've been outside at times when they have flown over my head and for small little birds they sure make a loud noise. However, it is enjoyable to watch them do their thing. One of these days I will get a picture of one and upload it here.


Michael and I were up at 7:30 a.m. and went walking. We took the 1.2 mile loop which has two inclines. Michael's stride is longer than mine so I really have to work at it to keep up with him. I don't mind because I feel I'm working my cardio-vascular system. The only downside is I don't have time to scope out photos to take and share with you.

Nevertheless, I did find the sunflowers just waiting to be photographed.

Sun Flowers 8 23 2012_0001


Minute by Minute

What a great way to begin a day by taking a walk with my sweetheart.
I finished cleaning up the kitchen.
I made contact with the co-chair regarding the convention and things are arranged.
I took a nap.
I read my book.

I don't know how adventuresome this day was but I did experience changes.

mz. em

Currently reading:

-- "Lord Demon" - Roger Zelazny and Jane Lindskold

-- "The Fairy Ring or Elsie and Frances Fool the World" - Mary Losure

"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher

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