One True Thing
in the ocean of noise

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not the passenger
and somewhere alfie smiles
I used to have a hamster tree
and the man with the golden gun
lily is dancing on the table
the room of the banished poet
but you're not here
I want to paint it black
if you can come to california
till human voices wake us
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Sharp Relief
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There are two kinds. Good and bad. Fear. Pain. Love. Need. Always two kinds, this scale of balance. Good. Bad. Open. Closed. Like my eyes.

Breathing becomes harder when imagining tracing my skin with sharpened edges. I want to wear a razorblade necklace, to live my life in such sharp relief, to ink my expreiences under the collective skin of the universe.

Can I trust that I will not bleed?

Two kinds. Good. Bad. Pain. Fear. This is both, and neither. I fall to my knees to worship what? A feeling? An instinct? An adrenaline rush? I can not tell, but what is lost in my confusion is made up for in my willingness to please.

This is what it feels like to walk the rope between pain and imagining. If only I could be so proud of all my scars.

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