One True Thing
in the ocean of noise

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not the passenger
and somewhere alfie smiles
I used to have a hamster tree
and the man with the golden gun
lily is dancing on the table
the room of the banished poet
but you're not here
I want to paint it black
if you can come to california
till human voices wake us
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She's like Cinderella...
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Oh no there you go
Looked away and missed the show
How much wasted time
Will you survive?

She's tall now, with high heels and frosted looks. She's blonde now, sparkling eyes and invisible tears. She speaks now, in a tone of voice that makes you feel small, and insignificant, and she whines about why the world can't be the way she envisions, peaceful and calm.

She plays the victim now, with her too small heart. Tries to call us all her wicked stepsisters, says that when the time is right she'll transcend. Is that the way it goes when you find your prince charming?

And I'm starting to wonder who she was, the girl we all thought we knew. And I'm starting to wonder who she is, the woman we've all come to hate. Blonde perfection and hard as nails.

She still comes around sometimes, and she sits in a corner and glares at us all. She talks to the ones who used to talk about her, and she forgets about those of us who thought we cared. Is that the way it goes when midnight comes?

She lives in a castle now, the American dream home, a barbie doll in a box. We try to forget the things we told her, we try to forget how we used to be. Driving through the desert late at night though, sometimes I think of her and wonder if she's secretly alone. Wonder if she's missing someone in that heart of hers.

But that's the way it goes when you live happily ever after...

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