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"May This Be Love"
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Tentatively Happy

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I am currently head over heals for this song. I have realized for quite sometime that I need a purpose in life to get myself going again. I just haven’t been able to find one. Today I finally realized I have been looking in the wrong places. Last year I realized that looking at other people for a purpose wasn’t cutting it. Humans being humans, they are fallible, and will hurt you in the end. And looking within me for a purpose doesn’t work most of the time either. I am highly critical of myself, and when I fail at something it destroys my sense of conviction. Driving to work the past two weeks (30 minuets there, 30 minutes back) I have listened to this song over and over. It was like a compulsion almost. And today it finally hit me. I need to look for something simpler. There are things in every day life that can fill that sense of purpose for me. I just need to find the thing calms me, and fills me with that inexplicable sense of joy that I always feel when I am working toward that purpose. I used to use people to fill it because they are the ones I can ply my one true gift on. Giving advice. Solving unsolvable problems. Taking someone who wants to die and feels they have nothing to give and bringing that out in them so they get a new lease on life. I still plan on doing that for people. It is the one skill I was given by the powers that be, and I love to do it. But it cannot be my only purpose. And why should it? I don’t even know if purpose is the right word. I just need something that makes me truly happy with no strings attached. And now that I know what I am looking for, I am determined to find it.

Jimi Hendrix - May This Be Love

Nothing can harm me at all
My worries seem so very small
With my waterfall
I can see
My rainbow calling me
Through the misty breeze
Of my waterfall
Some people say
Day-dreamings for all the, huh,
Lazy minded fools
With nothin' else to do

So let them laugh, laugh at me
So just as long as I have you
To see me through
I have nothing to lose
'Long as I have you
Don't ever change your ways
Fall with me for a million days
Oh, my waterfall

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