i'm not lost
just undiscovered.

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i realised i haven't mentioned much about hall camp. weirdly enough i haven't found any pics of us at hall camp either. so hmm. anyway i'm in hall fifteen and the people are nice though very different from people from the nbs camp.

and we were even dirtier in hall camp. so bad that i developed rashes from it, and i've never had rashes in my life. SO. i'm gonna keep hiding my legs in jeans until they're gone. shudder.

then to the weekends, saturday was spent roaming around with keith in orchard. :) i like hanging out in orchard again! steering away from marina square. ahhaha. all these camps were cutting down on talk time with the army boy, so the weekends felt very precious these days. :)

and sunday was spent at SINGFEST. HELLYEAH. :p here comes the overload of videos and photos. hahaha. met seige and her friend wati and got to fort canning at about 2? it was supposed to start at 3pm. but by 2, the queue was already crazy long, and i saw elise like crazily in front. HAHA.

we joined the queue and i also met melvin for a few seconds. hahaha. then my bro and his friends came to join us, and his friends coincidentally were friends with the people behind us. FREAKING SMALL WORLD?

this is the poster girls posed under.

gotta love levi's and my bro's citibank credit card :D


the stage :D

so we bunked in on the picnic mat with my bro and his friends. HAHA. and pinched their food and drinks. and we occasionally abandoned them to walk to the front. HAHA.

then it began, with stacie orrico who didn't steal the show. felt quite bad for her. but she was good. :) her voice got pretty strained halfway through though. the crowd only got excited when she sang her popular hits like 'stuck', 'more to life' and 'i'm not missing you'!

next up was jamie scott and the town. i only know one song and wasn't very into them either. :X again, the crowd only got excited when he sang 'when will i see your face again'.

it was followed by onerepublic, which we went further in front for. :) they weren't too bad!

stop and stare


then it was panic! at the disco. okay they began horribly because the sound system got screwed up and they went on playing so none of us could hear a thing. the whole crowd at the back was jeering. they went on for four songs (according to the press) without the sounds being fixed.

poor them, really. but WHY DID THEY GO ON KNOWING THERE WAS A FAULT IN THE SYSTEM? SHEESH. so their segment felt really short. nevertheless, when the system got fixed, the crowd gave a huge cheer for them again, and all's well :)

nine in the afternoon

i write sins not tragedies

THEN we went forward again. further front than we did for onerepublic. because it was jason mraz's turn. hell yeah. :) he sang lots of new tunes and though they were pretty unheard of, i loved them all. he never spoke to the audience. everything he wanted to say, he put it in a tune and sang it to everyone! :p

helloooo toca!

and mr a-z!

the remedy

bob marley cover

i'm yours

next was OMG rick astley! HAHAHA. retro 80s disco fever, i swear. he was a really funny chap. he knew he belonged to the older generation and he was proud of it! he made fun of his own dressing being the only guy in a suit there. kept saying stuff like, we must've heard his songs from our parents' records or something. 'records, cd, mp3, ipod, whatever.' LOL. and he had bras and panties thrown on stage. HAHAHA.

and it was awesome cos i did know some of his songs. HAHA. ohman. and he's probably the only one who sang tunes for couples to cuddle there. :)

together forever

lucky cover

acoustic version of never gonna give you up

and the original version of never gonna give you up :p

next was pussycat dolls. realised i've NO pictures of them. LOL. but anyway we were veryyyyy far in front now. but we were blocked by some tall dudes. and so i couldn't see nicole and 2 other dolls. hahahhaa. they were hell bimbotic. but i think they pleased the dudes around.



don cha

the final line up was alicia keys and she stole the show. i think she's worthy of every grammy she won. :) she performed for the longest too! about an hour 20mins. it was almost like her own concert. and because i went all the way front, i had a splendid view, despite being by myself. we were all so drowned in her amazing pipes. :)) i really felt like i was in an alicia keys concert!

(it probably felt draggy to some because it was already past midnight and we were all tired from an entire day's worth of performances but she was AWESOME.)

(my fave song from her) superwoman

i also loved teenage love affair but i didn't get to record that because i only had space for one song left and it was for the best encore ever - no one!

best show i've ever ever caught! if i ever do go for next year's, some pointers are:

1) clear space on your camera
2) wear shorts

they kept saying it was like a thousand degrees. it did feel like it.

great great memory. :)

a little sidetrack, went for my first 2 lectures yesterday. sitting through 4 hrs of lectures is no easy feat! and i'm quite lost in business law. YIKES.

and my roomie rocks. :D

this weekend is gonna be exciting!

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