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Write-in contender looking at U.S. House race
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From the Austin American-Statesman, Wednesday, April 7, 2004 (Link expires 4/13/04):

Math professor getting ready to run in District 10

By Ken Herman


Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Professor Lorenzo Sadun, who holds a Ph.D. certifying that he can do the math, understands the challenge he would face as a potential Democratic write-in candidate in the 10th Congressional District.

I figure this is a district that was designed so no Democrat can win against a responsible Republican opponent,” said Sadun, a University of Texas math professor. “But I don’t think we have a responsible Republican opponent.”

For weeks, Republicans Michael McCaul and Ben Streusand, who meet in Tuesday’s GOP runoff, have been telling audiences that their contest is the de facto general election because no Democrats filed in the race.

By most measures, the district, which includes a third of Travis County and stretches to suburban Houston, is at least 60 percent Republican.

Sadun, who teaches a probability course, understands what that means. But he is moving forward with the effort to qualify as a write-in candidate in November.

We can’t give up the district without a fight. Nobody else seems willing to, so I said, ‘OK, I’ll do it,’ “ Sadun, 43, said.

The first hurdle is a state law that says write-in candidates can participate only if they pay the filing fee ($3,125 in a U.S. House race) or get petition signatures (500 in this case).

Sadun is going the petition route and faces a Sept. 3 deadline. Any registered voter living in the district can sign a petition for one write-in candidate per race.

Among those interested and intrigued by Sadun’s long-shot effort is Washington County Democratic Chairman Duane Olney. Washington County is in the district.

People need a choice,” Olney said. “It will be difficult, yes, but it is not impossible.”

In addition to Sadun’s effort, other potential write-in candidates are trying to get on the ballot.

Austin computer programmer Mike Conwell is among the people involved with 10for10.org, a plan that would get 10 additional candidates qualified as write-in candidates.

We’d like to show that many different communities (in the district) don’t feel represented by whoever comes out of the upcoming Republican runoff,” Conwell said.

David Claunch of Austin, organizer of 10for10.org, said the effort is symbolic.

The goal is not necessarily to elect one of our affiliated candidates as the next congressmen, though that would be great,” he said. “The goal is to send a message to the powers that be that gerrymandering, regardless of which party it benefits, is destructive to democracy.”

Sadun, who has never sought elected office, said it’s important for him to be something more than the traditional write-in candidate making a quixotic effort.

I’ve been figuring from the start the only way a write-in candidacy can be taken seriously is if it is the de facto Democratic nominee, not if he is one guy running as a write-in candidate,” said Sadun, who has been making the rounds at local Democratic functions.

Sadun, a Maryland native who has taught at UT since 1991, is hoping to connect with Democrats who are aghast at the prospect of being represented by one of two GOP candidates who have been waging a battle to see who is more conservative. McCaul spokesman Ted Delisi said a write-in candidate in any race faces a steep uphill battle.

In this district, it’s even more so because the district is strongly Republican,” Delisi said.

The Streusand campaign could not be reached for comment on Tuesday.

Sadun, having looked at the numbers, said he has concluded that “a Democrat cannot win this.”

But, he added, “A Republican can lose this, and Streusand and McCaul are off to a good start” toward that end.

kherman@statesman.com; 445-1718

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