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Further evidence that some Conservatives...
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...need more education in basic reasoning skills.

A letter to the editor @ the AAS re: this column (registration required).

October 4, 2004

To the Editors,

It was unclear to me the point David Brooks attempted to make in his column "Brooks: While the world talks, people in Darfur die" (AAS, October 4).

He appears to be assuming that the US and UN lie on opposite ends of a continuum of 'rightness' and that describing UN ineffectiveness in Sudan implies that the US preemption doctrine applied to Iraq is 'right'.

The problem is the UN did go along with Bush's charade, up to a point. And in this case they were right to be reluctant to invade based on the evidence.

His description of the lack of vigor by the US to build a coalition to invade Sudan to stop the abuses gives lie to this justification regarding Iraq given after it was clear WMD would not be found.


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