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Respect != Submission
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Sometimes when I've been trying to figure out how to articulate a POV
which seems to be missing from the national 'dialogue' someone comes
along and does it for me...

The Christian Right might also like to keep in mind that Submission != Respect.

From New Donkey New Donkey
> Here's a sample:
> "It's fine if religion influences your moral values. But when you
> make public arguments, you have to ground them--as much as
> possible--in reason and evidence, things that are accessible to
> people of different religions, or no religion at all. Otherwise, you
> can't persuade other people, and they can't persuade you.... [Harsh]
> cricitism is not disrespect--and to claim it is undermines democratic
> debate."
> I'll go Beinert one better: the Christian Right's effort to make
> "respect" equal "agreement" is even more deeply disrespectful to
> people who actually share their religion. I'm a Protestant Christian
> myself, and read the same Bible that James Dobson reads, and I see no
> evidence at all that the message (much less the primary message) of
> Scripture to the faithful of this time is to outlaw abortion and
> stigmatize gay people. So it really offends me to be told I'm an
> "anti-Christian bigot" for disagreeing with the Christian Right on
> such subjects.
> It behooves Democrats to challenge Christian conservatives for
> playing identity politics and refusing to engage in civil discourse
> about the intersection of faith and policy, and to challenge
> themselves to reject the false choice of disrespect or submission.

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