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Incompetence, an inside job or business as usual?
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This article (expires 2/20/05) briefly refers to the Jeff Gannon / James Guckert revelations (some intro here).

A letter to the editor...

February 13, 2005

To the Editors,

Regarding the story of Jeff Gannon / James Guckert in Ken Herman's article on the Bush Administration's control of information ("How the White House keeps on message"), I think what should be adding additional significance to this issue beyond reports that the administration had paid two columnists to promote presidential initiatives is how post-9/11 someone from a little known 'news' organization [1] who may have received a leaked CIA memo regarding Valerie Plame [2] was able to attend daily White House press briefings using a 'daily pass' system intended for temporary use for two years using a false identity [3], [4].

Was this due to incompetence, approval by someone in the White House or business as usual?

1. Rep. Slaughter Calls on President Bush to Explain Emerging White House Briefing Room Scandal,

2. Talking Points Memo

3. "Giving "Gannon" a pass", Salon

4. "Scottie McClellan Explains It All"

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